Monday night we took Grams with us to look at a couple of houses. The second one ended up being a bust but the first one was great and Grams liked it a lot too. We ended up putting an offer on it and they ended up accepting our offer! We offered asking price and asked them to help pay closing costs. At first we were weary about asking for too much for closing costs because we didn't want to be rejected but I am glad we asked for 3% instead of 2% seeing how they accepted. It is not a perfect house because I don't think that exists unless you have an amazing budget but it is the perfect house for our budget. I think Grams was our lucky charm! I really wish she could be here for the inspection Monday because we need that luck! I am hoping inspection goes well and we can plan on moving in Nov 1st!

Tuesday Grams left us and it was tough to say goodbye. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and grocery shopping to distract from being sad. With the way time has been flying, hopefully November will be here before we know it and will be in AZ with our family.
Wednesday we went swimming with some friends. These friends are fickle about inviting us to stuff so it was nice to be on the invite list again. It seems like usually when we go swimming at least one of my kids suffers a melt down but for once we had a pretty great time. Only a little fighting between brothers at the end but that was not out of the ordinary. Fighting seems to be the definition of their relationship these days.
Thursday is a day I would rather not relive. Our fickle friends invited us to go to the Detroit Riverfront to an event called Reading and Rhythm. It was a fun idea in theory. They have music and then someone reads a book then you get a free book, a free carousel ride, make a bookmark and you can go play in some fountains. However, it was hot and humid day and the boys complained frequently while we were listening to the music and books. Then we had to wait in line for the carousel ride. The ride was nice and cool though and the kids enjoyed picking out a free book and making bookmarks afterwards.
But after that we had a much longer walk then I anticipated to the fountains. A walk in which Lucy walked like a sleepy zombie and we got super left behind. But that wasn't the worst of it. The worst came when Ben face planted it and got a bloody nose and fat lip in one swoop. It was a horrible mess that involved at least a half a pack of wipes. Ben was also wailing at the top of his lungs which led to a crowd of kids gathering around us. The crowd of kids alerted security that something was wrong so they called the EMT's. I tried to tell him that it was not EMT worthy but he informed me that they were already coming. He also said that he had called an ambulance. An ambulance!? For a bloody nose and fat lip!? I immediately told him to cancel. Honestly, I just wanted to disappear but there was not a single place nearby for me to do that at. It was super embarrassing and I wish Ben could understand that while it's ok to cry, you DON'T have to cry SO loudly. *sigh*
After that crazy experience we had a very low key Friday. The weather really cooled off Friday so we spent lots of time outside riding bikes. Ben learned how to ride his bike without training wheels this week so he has had a lot of fun doing that. He was the first kid that I helped teach how to ride without training wheels so I am proud of that. He still weaves every once in awhile but he's pretty much got it down. Ben also lost his last front tooth yesterday. It has been a very big week for Ben.
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