Saturday, July 15, 2017

Tyler's Birthday & Potty Training Penny

Tyler came home from the Scout Camp around 7pm Saturday night. After a long day of waiting to celebrate his birthday (translation: eat the cake) the girls insisted on immediately bringing out the cake and presents.

The cake (that I made from scratch) tasted good- to me it didn't really taste any better or any worse than one made from a box. The recipe for the white cake I made was pretty easy too so I feel like it's 50/50 to make from scratch versus from a box.

Tyler got spoiled with man child gifts. The Hogwarts tee, junk food and lock picking kit were from me. The bug gun (it shoots salt at bugs) was from his parents and the Amazon gift card was from mine. I think the bug gun has been by far his favorite. He is constantly out in the yard looking for bugs to get. I am also starting to find bug carcasses in the house, super fun.

The next day Tyler gave a talk in church. The person before him gave a short talk and so he ended up with 30 minutes of time to speak. He did really well filling the time. As per usual, he got emotional, it's the only time he ever cries. He spoke about the importance of being obedient and I wished the boys were there, they could have learned a thing or two about that.

Our week was pretty quiet and uneventful so when Wednesday came around and I realized we had zip plans for the rest of the week, I spontaneously decided to potty train Penny. It was a great decision. She has been by far the easiest and I wonder if it was because I was way more laid back and calm about it. On the first day I just had her sit every 5-10 minutes on the potty. She had accidents but nothing more than damp underwear. The next day I just asked her frequently if she had to go potty. She had no pee accidents but she did poop her underwear (of course she did it while I was upstairs). After the poop in her pants, I ordered some Paw Patrol Figures from Amazon and told her she could have one each time she pooped in the potty. Well on the third day she had zero accidents but she also didn't poop at all. Today (day 4) she pooped in the potty for the first time (and she's very excited to get Chase when he comes in the mail tomorrow)! She also hasn't had any pee accidents today but we are going to a ice cream party tonight so we'll see how she does when she's playing with friends.

Anyways, overall it has been such a pleasant experience compared to the previous kids. The only hard thing has been Lucy who doesn't really enjoy being stuck at home and who also feels she should get a treat every time that Penny does (Penny gets a mint every time she pees in the potty). I think next week we should be good to go out and hopefully that will help make Lucy less crabby. She might also be crabby because she misses her brothers...

The picture on the left is of the girls favorite activity: they sit on a skateboard and I push them with my feet. It's my favorite activity too because I can sit and do it, ha ha ha! The picture on the right shows off Penny's amazing style: socks and flip flops and a dress up skirt (because they are easy to get on and off when going potty).  

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