Saturday, July 8, 2017

Poppy & Grams Visit

The morning before Poppy and Grams arrived Steven had a Cub Scout Bike Hike. They met at a park so while he was out riding, the rest of us played at the park. We were joined by some friends and so it was good times. The sweet girl in the middle is so good with my kids, she's the younger sister of our current babysitter. I think when our babysitter graduates next year that her younger sister will be a great replacement. 

Steven had a great time on the Bike Hike, I was told he was a super fast rider. The Bike Hike/Playground made for a great distraction but the rest of the day seemed to drag by in anticipation for Grams & Poppy's arrival. The kids were constantly asking how long until they arrived. When we finally headed off to get them, we hit really bad traffic which made the wait even more brutal but at last we made it to the airport and all was right in the Hatch home.

Or at least it was right for a bit. Penny came down with a fever which made her super cranky and was not a very great welcome for Grams and Poppy. Still we needed to explore Michigan with them here so the next day we headed to Kensington Farm, sick Penny and all. When we got to Kensington we discovered that they had Clydesdale's on display for the day. This made Penny feel better because she loves "neighs". It was even more fun to discover a horse with the exact name and age as our neighbor. Also fun, watching them wash down the horses and whiten the horse's legs.  

We also played in the play are at the farm. Notice Lucy showing off her new fidget spinner that Grams and Poppy got her (and all my other kidlings). Somehow we made it through the school year without the boys wanting one but when school came to an end they suddenly wanted to get one (like every other kid) so Grams and Poppy made their day and got them all one.

That night we went to "World Famous" Guernsey Farms Dairy for dinner. This was a must go for Poppy. Unfortunately he ended up not getting ice cream with his meal, he got a milkshake instead. Lame. The kids actually were so well behaved that I got a compliment on how good they did. It is always nice when I get those rare compliments.

The next day I went and said a final goodbye to my friend, Elizabeth. She has officially moved to North Carolina. I might have to go visit her some time, she has been such a good friend to me.

That afternoon we went to the Farmer's Market and they were giving out free popsicles- totally made the kids' day. Also fun is that Lucy and my mom, without planning it, wore matching shirts. I tried to get a pic of just them but Ben had to sneak in and photo bomb it. That is kind of becoming his M.O. these days. He and Steven are definitely opposites. Steven rarely takes pics but Ben will be in every pic he can and will constantly ask me to take his pic places.

Apparently eating a Popsicle is super exhausting (especially when you are still not feeling well) so Penny passed out shortly after we got home. 

On Friday we hit up the bakery and the kids got some cookies. After getting sugared up (which seemed to be a theme throughout Grams and Poppy's trip), we walked to the park. Steven, Benny and Lucy spent lots of time on the swings and Penny spent most of the time climbing and sliding.

The rest of the day was spent getting ready for our trip that we were heading out on the next day.

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