Sunday, June 25, 2017

Summer Days

We celebrated Father's Day last Sunday by showering Tyler with homemade cards, a Minecraft  shirt and the Lego Batman movie. At church for Primary we made a handout with things that the kids said about their fathers, and we gave them Pop Rocks candy (because our Pops rock, right?). They were also spoiled at church with a giant feast provided by the women in the Ward. After church Tyler got a steak dinner (that he had to cook himself because I never cook it right) and then we watched Lego Batman together. Here's Tyler proudly sporting his new Minecraft shirt:

This week I feel like summer really started. We started our morning routine: 2 workbook pages, 20 minutes of reading, clean up toys, and screen time. Then in the afternoon it's writing, another clean up and their second half of screen time. It seems to work really well in breaking up the day, especially on days when we have nothing going on. 

Early on in the week Ben bumped into Lucy and lost his wiggly front tooth. He ran out of his room totally devastated saying that Lucy knocked out his tooth but when we reminded him that the Tooth Fairy was going to come, he calmed down and gave us some cute Jack-O-Lantern smiles:

This week we watched some boys that just moved into Milford and are in our Ward. The kids are excited to have some new boys to hang out with. We took them to the Bakery because all new people must be taken there, it's tradition! 

When we did our Walmart run for the week, the boys pooled their money together to buy the game Life. It was such a great investment because it has given them hours of entertainment and it doesn't cause much fighting. On Thursday we went to the Farmer's Market with Tina and Maizie and afterwards they kids played Life with Maizie. 

Saturday the weather was lovely so I felt like we needed to get out and enjoy it. The kids voted that we go to the Zoo. I had a feeling it was going to be super packed but they would not be dissuaded so we went. It was packed as predicted and parking was a nightmare but we still had a good time, because seriously, weather perfection! 

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