Monday, July 18, 2016

Grams & Poppy from MI to PA

Grams and Poppy performed the amazing feat of driving from Arizona to Michigan and boy were we happy that they came all that way for us! They arrived on the last Monday in June and spent lots of time snuggling their crazy grandkids: 

On Thursday we took a break from all the grandparent snuggles to celebrate my friends birthday at a park. We had ice cream and Popsicle's and the kids had way too much on the seesaw: 


On Saturday it was finally time for our fun trip to Pennsylvania! We made our way to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with Grams and Poppy in an amazing 15 passenger van. The rental place gave us a lot of grief about renting this van, my mom had reservations and they tried to nix them, but AAA came through for us and we got this awesome beast after all. It was seriously the best thing ever. We were able to split up the kids (therefore prevent fighting) and have plenty of space to store the million things we needed for our week long trip. Plus we never had to worry about it not starting on a hot day ;)

We learned on our drive to Pennsylvania that Penny is not a good traveler and we got a good feel for what driving on the rest of the trip was going to be like. We were very grateful when she finally passed out after lots of shrill screaming at the top of her lungs.

We made sure to stop for lunch at a Chick-Fil-A on our way to Harrisburg, PA because we love it SO much and have missed it greatly. They were all over the place in PA so we had it bunches more on our trip. Yummy food, awesome play places (with doors that Penny could open and close over and over again all by herself)...Can you really blame us for the frequent stops?

Just about dinner time we made it to Harrisburg and arrived at the hotel where my brother Mike and his family already were. After a year away from them, my kids were pretty excited to see Oliver and Lillian again! We went out for some delicious pizza at an Italian joint and then got some wiggles out a nearby playground

After the playground we got even more wiggles out swimming at the hotel pool (which was too cold for my taste) and then all the kids properly passed out for the night!

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