Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hershey Chocolate World & Gettysburg

We spent Fourth of July morning at Hershey Chocolate World. There was a long line at the front doors when we got there but really, it wasn't long because everyone kind of dispersed inside. Here's Mike looking oh so excited to go inside and me and my kids posing with my favorite kind of candy (who totally creeped the girls out):

Family picture with all the Hershey Chocolate Characters:

A group shot of the whole Brady Family clan, it so perfectly reflects us all:

After all of our photo ops we got to go on the awesome Chocolate Tour. On the tour/ride, we got to watch how cocoa beans are transformed into delicious chocolate. There were singing cows and animated Hershey Chocolate characters and the kids loved it and the kids were able to go on it several times since there really wasn't a line.

Afterwards we spent way too much money on chocolate souvenirs: cute tins for neighbors and friends, a "chocolate" Lego car for Steven, a stuffed Hershey Bar character for Ben, a stuffed Pig for Lucy, a small tin purse for Penny, a drinking glass for Tyler and some extra long Twizzlers for me. Like I said, way too much money. Here are the kids with the giant candy that we did NOT buy: 

After Hershey Chocolate World we decided to make Poppy's dreams come true and took him to see a covered bridge, Sach's Covered Bridge. And to sweeten the covered bridge deal for my history buff father, the bridge was located in Gettysburg. It was really neat to drive through the fields of Gettysburg on our way there, so many statues and graves and history to be seen.

The bridge itself was beautiful and it was located in a beautiful area and I think the kids could have just stayed there the rest of the day throwing rocks in the river and exploring.

But alas, there was more history to be seen so we headed to The Gettysburg Museum. This was not a museum for kids because you just can't make a terrible battle kid friendly. I got to see some of it but me, Mecca and Grams ended up skipping out early with the kids and letting the boys enjoy the rest of it without our craziness.  

We waited outside for the boys under the awning because it was sprinkling a bit and then ended our Gettysburg visit with an appropriate Fourth of July photo op with Abraham Lincoln:

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