Saturday, June 25, 2016

Babysitting, Father's Day & Walks

Last Saturday a friend asked me to watch 3 of her kids while the movers came. So obviously she is moving, which makes us sad, but we were glad to be able to spend some time with them before they left. I got really brave (mostly because I hate being cooped up in the house, especially with 7 kids) and I walked them all down to the park. Somehow we all made it there alive but it was getting pretty hot so the oldest girl suggested we walk over to a nearby stream and cool off. Genius idea! The kids all got their clothes soaking wet but they had so much so it was definitely worth it! 

Sunday was Father's Day and our Primary Chorister had Steven come up and had him dress like a dad as we sang dad related songs. It was pretty fun to see him with a mustache and glasses. He also  has on a jersey and a napkin:

I wasn't nearly as good at spoiling Tyler for Father's Day as he was at spoiling at me for Mother's Day. I just made him some cinnamon rolls, bought him the awesome shirt he's wearing below and got him a steak for dinner (I was mean and made him cook his own steak). The kids made him some cool ties and they gave him some sweet hugs. They do love their daddy and we are so grateful for all that he does for us.

This week my van was in the shop getting a leak fixed so anything we did had to be within walking distance. One morning we walked to the library. I thought that might be a bit too far and that I might regret walking there but the kids actually did super well, we just had to take a few breaks on the way home:

I got a pretty bad cough this week and it really escalated into badness on Thursday. Unfortunately, a friend was in a pinch and needed me to watch her kids so I couldn't just relax and recover. Steven & my friend's oldest have identical personalities so they tend to clash which made it tougher. I ended up walking us all to the park at one point to try and stop all the fighting. This was pretty miserable for me but it was just what the kids needed and helped the rest of the day to go smoother. I'm just glad I survived and at least Penny & Benny got along well with my friend's kids:

And here are 2 pictures that pretty much show the messy state that Lucy has been in most of this week...

Seriously this girl just goes outside and plays in the dirt all day and then we clean that dirt off only for her to go eat food and get that all over her face (and the table). Oh my messy Lucy!

And I'm going to end with my car frustrations. Tyler had no problem paying $1000 to fix a leak on the van this week but he refuses to spend any more money on it to get it's biggest problem fixed, the problem where it won't start if it gets too hot. Yet he also won't get a new car because he is determined to buy a house because he's tired of wasting money on rent. And when I complain that I hate not being able to drive anywhere in the summer without worrying that I might get stranded, he says "just stay home then." I'm frustrated. I want a house too but I think a reliable car is more important. And I don't want to just stay home all summer because that is miserable, the kids don't do well when they're home all the time. And this is my frustrations and my vent, argh!

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