So don't let that cute little face below fool you, Penny is probably the worst travel companion you could ever have. That smile was a very rare moment and sleep never came until after lots of shrill screaming at the top of her lungs. The car trip back from PA on Sat was painful and the airplane ride to AZ the following Monday was even worse. Too many unrelated people had to experience her shrill crying for a half an hour straight. When we landed the Pilot said, "Phew! We made it!" I'm pretty sure he could hear her loud and clear. Of course, as soon as we got in the car to head to Tyler's parent's house, she totally passed out.
We were getting her tooth decay fixed in AZ because not only do I have a pediatric dentist there that I trust and like, but it was much cheaper (a third of the cost!). This appointment was just to check it out and let us know their game plan for her teeth. I thought she was so over tired that it was going to be a horrible appointment but there was sink that she could wash her hands in and that entertained her and kept her from going too crazy.
That night Tyler's family had a birthday party for his mom. It was quite the bash with an impressive slideshow of pictures from Tyler's mom's life and then all the kids gave sweet little speeches about their mom and each one of them cried (Tyler included). I liked this sentimental party much better than the crazy kung fu party they had for her last year ;)
Tuesday morning was wedding day! The sealing was at 10:30 and we had a very busy morning getting everyone dolled up. Melissa did my make up and Keshia did my my hair and I felt so pretty! I liked Melissa's make up job loads better than the expensive lady who did my make up last time.

With just a bit of time to spare, we headed off to the Gilbert Temple. We dropped Penny off with my lovely sister-in-law Rebecca and headed to the sealing. This sealing was less of euphoric event then the last sealing we attended. There's no nice way to say this but Tyler's family is not super fond of Jezerea's now husband. But regardless we are all there for her and we all love her and hope for the best.
After the sealing we picked Penny up so she could be there for the pictures outside of the temple. She probably wished we hadn't picked her up, it was super hot and she was super fussy and miserable. I only managed to get one smiling picture of her of my own and I'm pretty the fancy photographer got a grand total of zero smiling pictures of her.
Then it was off to a delicious luncheon at Arriba Mexican Grill where we got to sit with the newlywed's Jeff & Mariah who are still super cute and in love and fun to chat with. Penny started to get comfortable with the other kids and was actually running around and playing with them. That was a rare moment in this whole trip. A majority of the trip was spent with her in my arms.
After the luncheon we went back to the Hatch home and put Penny down for a nap. Not too much later it was time for more pictures and then the reception. Pictures were brutal in the heat and Penny refused to be in the pictures because I couldn't be in them with her. I think they were able to snap one shot of her before she ran away screaming. This is her showing unhappy she was about the whole process:
And this is me rocking the serious look with all my sister-in-laws:
My shoes that I had bought for the wedding were horribly uncomfortable, they pinched my foot like crazy and gave me blisters something fierce. I even stuck some tacky looking moleskin all over my feet to try and help but it wasn't so successful. After pictures I immediately kicked those suckers off and Miss Penny immediately put them on. It was so cute watching her walk around in them and they didn't seem to be pinching her feet at all!
I spent a lot of the reception walking outside with Penny and didn't get to do a whole lot of socializing or dancing. Near the end Penny really started to get fussy but Tyler's Aunt Karen was so nice and dug out candy from her purse which calmed Penny down and caused her to really like Tyler's Aunt. You can definitely buy Penny's love with candy, probably best to keep her away from any strangers in large vans that may offer her candy...
And then we sent the newlywed couple off and we crashed into bed because all those pictures in the heat were exhausting!
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