Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Visiting the Amish

On Wednesday we made our way to Philadelphia and on our way there we made a couple stops in some Amish areas. Our first stop was at The Lil Country Store and Miniature Horse Farm in Ronks. On our way there we got stuck behind a horse and buggy and that was pretty fun. The farms we passed on our way there were green and beautiful. 

At the Miniature Horse Farm, there were miniature horses of course. The kids had fun petting them and getting to feed them, although Benny got a little nervous about them licking the food pellets out of his hand. 

They had a little shop there with lots of cute homemade things that I should have bought but didn't (a purse for the girls that I am still mourning and beautiful kid sized brooms). Tyler did buy some homemade Root beer that was very genuine and I think he decided he's not a fan of genuine.

Our next stop was in Intercourse. I was told this was a great place to get yummy Amish food so the first thing we did was get some soft pretzels to snack on. We had to wait a bit but that meant they were super fresh and they were really yummy. Here I am photo bombing my parents from inside the shop:

Then we went to Kitchen Kettle Village in Intercourse. I was hoping to find more shops like what we found in Ronks but I found nothing of the sort. These were super fancy feeling and not authentic Amish feeling shops. It kind of bummed me out but we still took a picture to document that we went to a place with a super fun city name!

As we headed back to the car from our disappointing shops we saw some goats that Ben and Lucy just had to feed.

Our last stop before getting to Philadelphia was for our traditional birthday lunch for my dad and Tyler (dad's birthday the day before and Tyler's the next day) at Red Robin's. Dad thought he would get some sort of discount so he told them is was him and Tyler's birthday. Bwhaha, he did the dirty work for us! So they got sung too and then got to enjoy some ice cream. 

Then it was onward to Philadelphia where we checked into our hotels and had a chill rest of the day.

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