Friday, July 22, 2016

Enjoying Milford with Family

Despite the crazy flights with Penny, the AZ trip was fun and it was pretty nice to just have one child for a week. I am so grateful to my parents for watching the other 3 so I could have that little vacation from life. But after 2 weeks of travels, it was also nice to be back in my own home and get back into the swing of things. It was equally nice that my parents got to stick around for awhile longer and we got to spend some time with them in Milford. 

The weather was lovely (much better than that hot AZ heat) so we spent a lot of time outdoors with my parents. We hung out on the porch, we went to Milford Central Park, we went to the farm in Kensington (where we met some friends of my mom that had just moved to Michigan), we visited a little waterfall back behind some shops, we got ice cream and my parents spoiled the kids with some toys from Target. It has been a good week!

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