Saturday, April 30, 2016

Ice Cream, Pinewood Derby, Etc

It's always nice to get snuggles from Dad on a Sunday, Penny sure does love them ;) :

After getting the house all clean Monday, I was more than happy to let the kids play outside so that my house could stay clean longer than a few minutes. It's always nice when the weather cooperates and let's me do that. Lucy is sure loving riding her bike:

She has also become a huge fan of PB&J's. She literally eats them for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. I'm just happy she's eating and it doesn't hurt that they are easy to make.

For FHE Monday we went to Dairy Queen and it is always fun to spend time together eating sweet things. Both Ben and I had a hard time eating our "small" cones, we ended up with sticky messes. I was only a little less sticky then Benny.

On Tuesday I had the kids all loaded up to go to the library when I saw Lori walking down my driveway and realized our Primary Presidency meeting was this Tuesday, not the next. That was embarrassing but at least they caught me before I left! 

Tuesday night Tyler's "big boys" (scouts) came over. Tyler was the only leader so after a talk about what they should pack in their hiking backpacks, Tyler, me and the kids went with the Scouts on a walk around the neighborhood. The kids had a blast hanging with these "cool" older kids and they also enjoyed watching the scouts try to run laps with their big hiking backpacks on.

Saturday Steven had his first ever Pinewood Derby. Last year he had made a Minecraft Steve car for the local troop he was in but he never got to race it because I was lazy and didn't take him to the Scout meetings while Tyler was Winter Testing. Now that he is in Cub Scouts at church, we are all much more involved so he finally got to race his Steve car. It was ridiculously slow which I think bummed him out but when they called him up for the reward of 'The Most Creative' he was so surprised and happy. I'm glad he won for creativity, it made his day!

This week I have been doing more basement cleaning, more organizing and more scanning. I bought 100 slim DVD cases and was able to transfer 100 of my DVD's into these. I love how much less room they take up but how they are still easy to find. It was a good purchase!


I've been scanning in Tyler's pictures and these are some of my favorites:

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