Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Quick Lowdown

Our week involved: haircuts for the boys, holding Laci's adorable new baby, dropping off a truck load of stuff at the Salvation Army, park time with new friends in the ward (and Penny being a total bully to their little boy her age), dinner with the missionaries (who tried to teach our kids a lesson WAY too long for their attention span, while our kids tried to teach them everything about Minecraft), Steven losing a tooth (literally, and it took the poor Tooth Fairy 2 days to find it) basement organization (which ended with me feeling like we somehow still have TOO much stuff), some errand running (where Lucy tipped over the whole cart with Penny in it, thankfully I caught it before it completely fell but not before it gave employees heart attacks), and a playdate and birthday party with Lucy's bestie, Audrey (Lucy is always in tears when she has to part for Audrey). And that is our week in a nutshell :)

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