Saturday, April 2, 2016

Ben Turns 6

Ben woke up on the morning of his birthday eager to open his presents so we let him. His gift were all Minecraft things, his biggest obsession!

After present opening, he had a bowlful of his favorite cereal, Lucky Charms, and then we headed off to Tiny Treasures. We went to this indoor play place on his 5th birthday per request and this year he requested it again. He loves it so much, although I think he may just be getting a little to old (and rambunctious) for it: 

The boys favorite thing to do was to run around crashing these grocery carts, see what I mean about too rambunctious?

After playing at Tiny Treasure we headed to McDonald's for lunch and more indoor playing Lucy got a cute pair of pink glasses in her kid's meal:

That was pretty much the extent of excitingness for Ben's actual birthday. We ended up having Ben's birthday party the next night with a few families (our neighbors, the Chappell's and the Brandley's). We had them over for a Star Wars themed party (since Steven had stole the Minecraft party Ben decided this theme would suffice) and pizza and cake.

I went through effort of making Jedi Robes, spray painting the handles of bubble wands so they looked like lightsabers and putting together a few themed games (shoot Storm Troopers, don't drop Yoda & save Hans Solo from the ice). However, all this effort was totally unappreciated. Not all of the kids would even put on the robes and the ones that did took them off after a few minutes. The kids only wanted to play one game (shoot the Storm Troopers) and then they were too busy doing their own thing to be interested in doing anything else. Everyone had a blast so that was great, I just know now to put a lot less effort into a 6 year old's party.

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