Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring Break

This week was Spring Break for the boys. I tried to make it fun but despite that (or maybe because of that?) they still made me crazy. I love my kids, I really do, but half of them are in a really cranky, contentious stage that can be down right exhausting.

Anyways Monday was be productive day so not so fun, Tuesday was Tiny Treasures (see Ben's birthday post) and Wednesday we went to an Instrument Petting Zoo at the library. Steven, Ben and Lucy got to try playing a trumpet, a trombone, a clarinet, a flute,a violin and a cello. It was fun to watch them struggle with making the clarinet and trumpet make a sound, Ben got especially red faced with the clarinet. Steven determined that the trombone was his favorite because it was the easiest to make a sound with, such a great attitude ;)

Thursday we didn't do anything super eventful during the day. Steven just went to a friend's house and the kids played in some mud puddles:

But Thursday afternoon, when Tyler got off work, we all went to see "Zootopia". I think it was a fun movie and the kids all seemed to enjoy it, minus Penny. Thankfully Tyler was on Penny duty and took her out halfway through which meant I could just enjoy the movie with the other 3. I super appreciated that!

On Friday we made the drive to Detroit to see the Outdoor Adventure Center. It was a super neat place: a plane to sit in, quads and snowmobile simulators, a waterfall to walk behind, stepping stones going through a "river", a suspended bridge, a tree to climb and slide down, a kitchen to play in, a tent and pretend campfire... Cool right!? Lots of fun right!?

Well it was at times but it was also pretty not fun for me at times. When we got there Lucy didn't sit on the potty correctly and managed to pee all over her underwear, Penny accidentally stepped into the river soaking her shoe, Penny also kept screaming and crying for reasons I am still unsure, Steven constantly complained "Is this it? I'm bored!" and I finally reached my end when Lucy accidentally stepped into the river, got the bottom of her pants wet and insisted on pulling them up as high as she could while walking. She looked ridiculous and I was officially done with it so we headed home. Despite it's coolness, it might be awhile before I go back there or at least awhile before I go back there with the whole crew.

And I'll end this post with 2 stories...

First we moved Lucy to the boys room so that we can start letting Penny cry it out when she wakes up at night (she doesn't always wake up at night but she does it often enough that it's making us crazy). Anywho, the first night Steven was all excited and asked if she could sleep in their room forever. However, his tune changed after one night with Lucy. The second night he prayed that Penny would sleep through the night so Lucy could go sleep in her own room again. Apparently Lucy needs some sleeping through the night help as well!

And this next story is sad but funny. Poor Miss Penny slid down a couple steps the other night and Lucy immediately proclaims "Oh, not again!"-- as if this is a regular occurrence.

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