Saturday, April 9, 2016

Spring Snow

This week...

I tried to be a grown up and contacted a real estate agent to see if it was possible for us to get out of our lease early or if we should just wait until December to buy a house. She contacted our property manager who contacted our land lord and then Tyler tells me he doesn't want to take the risk of them not being able to find a tenant to replace us and now I feel like I should have just waited and not caused unreasonable worrying for everybody. I hate being a grown up.

I started up a new project, scanning in all the kids memorabilia stuff: artwork, writing, cards, letters, etc. I've got all but Penny's stuff scanned and now I feel like I need to do me and Tyler's stuff as well. This is starting to feel like the project that never ends, but at least it feels good to rid myself of things and be able to organize documents in pretty little electronic file folders.

For FHE this week we were talking about Pres Monson's talk about choosing the harder right instead of the easier wrong and as we were bringing up examples of easy wrongs, Steven blurts out, "Like when I throw away my carrots at school instead of eating them!?" Oh geez, way to tattle on yourself Mr. Steven.

Thursday I decided to try for a girl's night out with the ladies in my ward. People had been expressing that they wished I would plan another one so I did but then suddenly nobody could come. It was so frustrating and I thought I was going to end up all by my lonesome's (especially when Laci got sick and couldn't come) but thankfully (after sending out some texts) I still had 4 awesome friends who came in the end. Me and these 4 ladies had a good time and that made all the silly planning drama so worth it!

In the car the other day we were talking about having lots of something (I can't remember what) and Steven said "Like 99 billion!" and Ben shouted "99 billion is not a number!" I worry about that kid.

On Friday I had my annual Gynecologist check up and Penny mistook it for her own appointment and immediately started freaking out when they called me back. It took about 10 minutes for her to calm down and realize this was not her appointment. Lucky for me I had a really awesome doctor who helped with things, she took off her white coat (so she didn't look doctorish), let Lucy listen on the stethoscope and was overall just really sweet to my girls. Helped so much.

Friday night the boys started a Soccer Skills class through our local Rec Center. They were so excited that they picked out what they felt was their most soccer appropriate clothes about an hour before time to go. Thankfully the class was indoors since it was only 33 degrees outside (and snowing). The boys seemed to have a blast, despite the fact that they both got penalty's for touching the ball, ugh.

Picture from this week:


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting me back on the email list. Such fun pictures! I'm so proud of the scanning And archiving. It is super satisfying. Make sure you do a backup of some kind before you throw away all the art.
