Saturday, May 7, 2016

Pictures Galore

We have had so much rain these past couple of weeks, that anytime the sun is out we have to take full advantage of it. Tuesday was one of those amazingly sunny days so we spent the morning at Kensington Metropark. We hadn't done the nature trails for a long while and I was so glad to get back out there. We saw two unidentified animals, one that looked like a baby beaver and one that looked more like a weasel. Penny got nervous when she saw those ones. We also so lots of fishes and birds, those ones Penny was ok with. And there were the usual chipmunks and squirrels running everywhere.

Tuesday night was the Scout Bicycle Rodeo. All siblings were invited to come with their own bikes and thankfully Tyler was able to come too so it was actually a pretty lovely night. It even made us finally invest in bicycle helmets for all our kids so now they can all ride safely. Anyways, Steven was the first to fall off his bike but at least it was just a small injury, nothing traumatic. Penny brought her ride on toy but refused to actually ride on it. She just stood there with her hand on it, giving dirty glances to another toddler who kept trying to steal it (and who eventually did steal it when Penny gave up on guarding it). 

Wednesday was rainy again but the dreary day was broken up with a fun Primary Worker Appreciation Night. Because we love Bunco so much, that's what we did. We had a fun game night with snacks for all our Primary Workers. We had about half the workers show up and they all seemed to have fun times, I did! 

Thursday the sun was back out just in time for opening day for the Milford Farmer's Market. Tina and her daughter, Maizie, went with us and Tina did good job of documenting the fun. Since it was also Cinco De Mayo, their was a Pinata and the kids got to make maracas out of plastic eggs and spoons. And an added bonus was free cookies, it was definite good times!

Friday morning we headed to the Farm in Kensington and Penny finally came to terms with the animals there. By the end she was even getting excited by the sheep, pointing and trying to climb the fence. That is some major progress people. Anyways I just love the sassy look on Lucy's face when we sat down for a snack and I had to document the beautiful tulips that were blooming there:

Friday afternoon was the Kindergarten Mother's Day Spa. We had treats, then Ben put some color in my hair (and I put some in his), he gave me a bow, an oatmeal facial, did my lipstick and eye shadow and we ended with a manicure and pedicure. It was way fun but I looked pretty special when I went to pick up Steven from his class. The pictures don't do his makeup job justice ;) Gosh I love this sweet boy:

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