Sunday, April 17, 2016

Looks Like Spring

So this week started out like this, cold and snowy and just plain yucky:

But this week has ended like this, sunny, amazing, definite picnic weather:

I'm hoping this warm weather sticks, I am SO ready for Spring! Other happenings this week:

Steven had his first pack meeting this week. Pack meetings are when the whole family attends. These will not be my favorite things because Tyler has Young Men's which means I have to take all the kids on my own to something that is right at their bedtime. The girls were stinkers, no need to elaborate. Steven got some patches and things though so that was exciting.

Tyler had to go out of town last minute to Kentucky. He was gone Wednesday morning and came back Friday evening. This meant I couldn't go to Bunco Wednesday night so instead I decided I would try to make a fun night with the kids, pizza and ET. Unfortunately Lucy was terrified by ET. I told her to just go play in her room or the playroom but she kept coming back, hiding behind me and covering her eyes. She was in my bed most of that night, crying about "eyes" and other creepy things. But at least she is cute...

Speaking of being scared, Penelope has become very scared of EVERYTHING. If she hears sirens or loud vehicles (they can be close or super far away) she'll run to me and cower. Then on Friday we decided to enjoy the warm weather and went to the farm in Kensington and she was terrified of all the animals, despite the fact that they were all safely behind fences. Oh Miss Penny has got to toughen up!

And Tyler and I had an exciting date night Saturday which included a thrilling dinner at TGIFridays and some errand running at Walmart. You know you're getting old when you actually find that enjoyable ;).

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