Sunday, March 27, 2016


All was well last Sunday until I decided to get off my lazy bum and make some dinner. I went to pull out a casserole dish from a top cupboard and in doing so cause a lid from another dish to fall. Miss Penny happened to be right below me and so instead of the lid shattering on the tile floor, it was cushioned by her head. It was truly horrible to look down and see her poor head and it seriously made me a little woozy. Thank heavens Tyler was home and had his senses about him. He quickly put a paper towel on her head and we went on a Sunday outing to Urgent Care.

When we finally got called back, I went back while Tyler stayed in the waiting room with the kids. The first step, after doing all the "traumatizing" weighing and measuring, was to clean out the wound. This was equally traumatizing for Penny. It took some pictures and videos on my phone to calm the little miss down.  

The the doctor came in and gave her 2 stitches. I don't know what was worse for Penny, the shots to numb the area or the actual stitches. It was not fun holding my baby down but she actually did pretty good, she was less of a fighter than when we were measuring her surprisingly. And afterwards, with the help of some apple juice she totally calmed down.

5 days later the stitches came out (I made Tyler take her for that one). Let's hope we don't have to go through this again!

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