This week I feel like we're finally back in the swing of things. Tyler is home, we are all feeling better and we have no big events in our near future. The only problem we have is that we are short one vehicle since Tyler's truck is still out of commission and he can no longer borrow his work vehicle. But thankfully he works in town so the drive is short and it is not a huge deal. So really now I feel like I can finally relax a bit so I decided to have some Sharpie fun and make some wooden peg dolls for the girls:
The two pictured above were the first I made and I think they turned out pretty fun. However, the next two I made turned out pretty creepy, I guess you can't always be successful.
The boys had off of school Tuesday for voting day. I don't understand why their school district does that, that makes it so hard for me to get out and vote with all the kids home. But the weather was fantastic so it was nice to have them off and able to enjoy it. We spent lots of time outside playing:
Poor Lucy tripped and got herself a little owie though:
This week we chopped Lucy's hair off, below is the before and after shots, I think it turned out cute:
I also got a little trim, I'm kind of hating the side swept bangs because she didn't have the right part when she trimmed them and she trimmed them really short but at least they'll eventually grow out:

The boys had their Math Pentathlon tournament Friday night. My sweet friend took them to the tournament since she had to officiate and she was nice enough to send me some pics. It looks like they had a good time:
And ending with a funny story: As I went to unbuckle Lucy from her car seat one morning, she complained that the buckle was hurting her penis. Ha, I think she has been spending too much time with her brothers!
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