Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Egg Monsters

Thursday night, to celebrate the start of Spring Break, we dyed some Easter eggs and then turned them into monsters. I bought fake dyeable eggs and they are great since we don't actually eat boiled eggs but they are not so great because they float when placed in vinegar...The kids worked hard to keep them under and in doing such hard work, they pretty much splashed the colored vinegar all over our dining room table. I figured I could wipe the colors right off but I was oh so wrong. I got some out with turpentine but we still have some lovely pink and green areas on our dining room table.

 Tyler even graced us with his presence for a bit and colored an egg too, with Penny's help of course:

After the eggs finished drying (which is an apparently hard thing to wait for) the kids got to work adding eyeballs, mouths, hair, and other monster like things. They especially loved the orange fluffy hair:

The results:

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