Saturday, March 19, 2016

Our Week

Last Saturday the weather was perfection! And since we live in a place where the weather changes day to day we took advantage of the warmth and went to the farm in Kensington. It was a nice family outing and there were some fun newborn animals to see but the kids were apparently more excited to see a duck that we affectionately call Poppy Duck for it's wild hair. They also enjoyed rolling in the grass:

On Sunday the kids were driving us nuts, as usual, so Tyler decided to duct tape them all together. It was all fun and games until they realized they couldn't get unstuck, bwahaha! Penny didn't want to be left out of the fun so Tyler duct taped her too. Except once she was duct taped I think she realized it wasn't as fun as it seemed and she pretty much stumbled around for a bit looking sad so we quickly took the tape off her (but not until after we snapped a few pictures).

Tuesday I got to be the Mystery Reader in Ben's class. It's always fun volunteering in his class and as an added bonus, I got to experience my first ever tornado drill. We all got to crowd in a hallway that wasn't exposed to any windows or outside walls. I hate the idea of a real tornado happening and my kids not even having a basement to go to. I really just hate the idea of a real tornado happening here ever. 

 Also on Tuesday we celebrated a belated Pi Day by eating some Oreo Cookie Pie. I had all intentions of making the pie on the acutal Pi Day but forgot an ingredient when I went to the store that day so it was a happy belated Pi Day to us!

For some reason the kids were in the mood to pose for a picture Tuesday night so I got some cute pictures of my favorite trouble makers:

The rest of my weekdays were spent socializing. I had a visiting teaching visit, went to a friend's house, had a primary meeting and met up with some friends at an indoor play place. It is always nice to talk to grown ups but obviously I was not super productive this week. 

Also this week we had St.Patrick's Day and I didn't get too into the holiday fun. Our extent of celebrating was to eat Lucky Charms for breakfast, wear green and have mint ice cream for dessert that night. Go us!

And this picture is just too funny not to post, squish face!  

Penny has been a bit of a stinker since we've been cutting back her time with the bottle. She only gets for a half hour before nap time and bed time. She does not love this new arrangement and she still refuses to drink out of a sippy cup. I have tried all kinds of cups and I have tried giving her juice and chocolate milk out of a sippy but she just doesn't want anything to do with them. Such a turkey lips!

Friday night was the Mother Sun Winter Fun night. The boys insisted on walking in the 39 degree weather there. My toes and face were numb by the time we got there. I was so grateful my neighbor was nice enough to drive us home. The event itself was pretty fun! The boys got to make and paint wooden firetrucks, they got to do a little picture frame craft, they got plenty of junk food and hot chocolate and they got to dance to extremely loud music while hitting each other with balloons. Pure boy bliss right? Benny insisted on wearing his church shirt and tie, such a dapper boy. Steven insisted on wearing anything but church clothes. These 2 are clearly not the same but I love them both to pieces:

Last but not least, this Satuday I took the kids by myself to an Easter Egg Hunt at a park (I was hoping Tyler would fix his truck while we were away so we can finally stop sharing one car but instead he ended up doing work for GM, grrr!). The weather was still in the 30's and we were all properly freezing, Penny was especially unhappy with the cold and fussed most of the time. But everything actually went well all things considered until the very end. Steven cried because he felt he didn't get enough eggs, Penny had had enough and was just crying, and Lucy had to pee but was terrified of sitting on the porta potty. There was a horrendous amount of crying and I felt terribly overwhelmed but somehow we got to the car and home. So much for a fun outing...

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