Monday, March 28, 2016

Kalamazoo & South Haven Day 2

Saturday we had a nice slow morning (full of the Disney Jr Channel) and continental breakfast, then we drove down to the Air Zoo! The kids* were immediately drawn to all the carnival like rides they had there: a Ferris Wheel, a spinny ride, a ride where you can move planes up and down and a ride that drops you. They spent a good amount of time on those rides, Steven and Tyler also spent some time riding a flight simulator that was apparently awesome! 

*By kids I mean Lucy, Steven and Benny. I traumatized Penny by taking her on probably the fastest, spinniest ride first and then she refused to ride any after that. I don't blame her, that ride made me sick too!

Although Penny hated the carnival rides they had an awesome toddler room with planes and space shuttles to ride that rocked back and forth or just shook a little. That room was a hit with her!

After getting their fill on the rides we grabbed some lunch and then the boys and Lucy went and watched a 4D movie that showed a plane dropping a bomb. I did not get to watch this because Miss Penny was being Miss Fussy Pants so we spent our time in the toddler room.

When the movie ended we piled into the car and drove over to the other campus of the Air Zoo. This one was mostly just planes but the perk was that the kids could sit in some of the planes. Penny was still being naughty so I didn't get to see much of this campus. I ended up taking her to the van in hopes of getting her to take a nap.

Since I was feeling a bit bummed about missing out on things I decided that when we were done with the planes, we needed to go eat some donuts. We headed to Sweetwater's Donut Mill. This place is open 24/7 and has a crazy selection of doughnut flavors! I got a s'more doughnut, Tyler got Snicker's, Penny got cinnamon sugar and the kids all got sprinkle doughnuts. We also got a half dozen to go which included Oreo, Chocolate Lover's Delight, and Caramel Chocolate. Trust me they are all as delicious as they sound!

After stuffing our faces we decided to make the hour drive to South Haven so we could see Lake Michigan. I don't know why I wanted to do this so bad, maybe because I feel like it's not a vacation unless you see the beach? Anyways, we found this super awesome playground right off Lake Michigan called Kid's Corner. This place looked like a wooden castle, it was so neat! The only off setting thing was this random stranger who pushed rattle socks into my hand. He was really weird about it and I had to nicely give them back since I don't have any babies that would wear them. Besides that it was fun times!

After getting all our wiggles out we took a walk down the beach and then down the pier to the South Haven Lighthouse. Lake Michigan is ridiculously huge and makes you feel like your at the ocean since you can't see the end of it. However, the Lighthouse was disappointingly small, had graffiti on one side of it, and a pool of rusty water next to it that smelled like pee. Oh, well. It was still fun to see the great big lake, chase seagulls, write in the sand, and take silly pictures on the pier!

And that marks the end of our little weekend getaway. This trip was not absolutely perfect, the kids still fought and drove us crazy, Penny was still a fussy monkey and Lucy still threw fits when things didn't go quite her way but that's just something you can't get away from and hopefully all the really good moments we shared together will be the ones that will be remembered.

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