Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Snowy Days

On Sunday I made the grave mistake of giving a nude Penny a dry erase marker and not supervising her (or her brothers who were also in the room). When I came back into the room Penny had colored her whole body and her helpful brothers had colored her face. They gave her a Rudolph nose and angry eye brows. It was pretty silly! 

On Monday I totally goofed and missed my dentist appointment. I was out grocery shopping when I got the call. For some reason I had got it in my head that my appointment was on Tuesday even though the reminders and even my calendar all said Monday. Ugh, I am suffering from some major mommy brain, but thankfully it all worked out in my favor because they ended up rescheduling me for Tuesday :) 

So on Tuesday I suffered through 3 cavity fillings, and had a fun overly numb face for several hours. I will never like the dentist. 

That night Steven went to his first scout meeting (not counting the couple of months he went to our local scout troop). He was super cranky about going because he wouldn't be able to play Minecraft that night but he ended up having a blast. He got to make paper airplanes and other such things, perfect fun for him. He has a great scout leader and I am sure lots more fun is to come!

Steven also got a late birthday gift from his Aunt Tara this week, a super awesome Lego set:

Wednesday Penny had her 18 month check up. She now weighs 22 pounds and is 32.25 inches tall. At this appointment she was more traumatized by getting weighed and measured then by getting her blood taken. We also found out she had an ear infection. I was a little peeved because when we took her in to a different doctor a couple weeks ago he said her ears were fine. I am pretty sure they weren't because now that she is on medicine for them she is FINALLY sleeping good at night and she is so much less cranky!

After the appointment we decided to grab a bite to eat at The Cheesecake Factory. It was snowing and we figured that might deter people from coming. We were so right! There was no wait and the service was fast. Best most tastiest decision ever!

That afternoon the snow just kept on coming and when it was time to pick up the boys from school the roads were awful. It was stressful getting to the school and I was so worried I wouldn't be able to make it back home. I said lots of prayers and thankfully my prayers were answered. At least 3 cars got stuck in the snow trying to leave the pick up circle but thankfully I had no problems. I made it home easily and safely!

When the snowstorm finally ended, we had at least 12 inches of snow on the ground. That meant that school was cancelled Thursday. Grams and I spent that morning shoveling snow, it was quite the work out. Then we joined Laci, Wesley and our next door neighbors for some sledding. We went to a snow hill at the boy's school and the boys had a blast! The girls, on the other hand, did not. Lucy was just in a cranky mood and Penny did not enjoy it when the snow touched her face.

They ended up cancelling school Friday as well. I'm not sure why since we weren't getting anymore snow and the roads were all clear. All I know is it mucked up our plans to go shopping with the girls. We decided to go anyways since there was a fun play place there to offer as incentive to the boys. Unfortunately we only made it through 2 stores with the 4 kids when we were ready to call it quits. Double unfortunate, the play place was under construction. There were lots of tears and frustration and it was a long drive home. We did end up going to McDonald's which made things somewhat better.

That afternoon the kids played out in the snow. Steven found making a fort to be too much work and gave up after making only 6 bricks. Benny, however, did not balk at the task of making a snowman and he ended up making a pretty cool snow wolf:

Saturday the weather warmed and the snow was melting so we took a walk to the bakery. The kids all shared cookies and me and Grams had yummy muffins. That evening Grams and I went out to the Olive Garden. It was crazy busy but with no kids, the wait was totally doable. We stuffed ourselves silly and then walked it all off at Target. We scored some awesome things on clearance there, the best deal was by far the $3 jacket I got for Benny!

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