Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas morning I first heard the boys at roughly 5:45am. After that I heard them going to check the clock in the kitchen every 10 minutes to see if it was 7am yet (the time they were allowed to come wake us). I'm not sure hearing their pounding footsteps every 10 minutes was any better then having them in our room though...After they came to get us we slowly got the girls up and then headed downstairs so the kids could see their loot. Once again they were spoiled rotten as always! Here they are with their Santa gifts: 

Tyler's favorite gift was probably his new, gigantic Nerf gun (the bullets make a frightening whistling noise when they come your way). The Lord of the Rings, "Ring of Power" I got him had to be a close second (it was a "replica" of THE ring on Lord of the Rings). He spent the day helping the boys make their new Lego sets and playing Minecraft, just 'cause he could. He also enjoyed making a video of himself making his own Lego set (Gandalf's firework cart).

Lucy pretty much loved everything she got. When she pulled her new nail polish out of her stocking she said "Oh beautiful!" When she saw the Elsa doll and blanket her Grams and Poppy Hatch got her she started to sing "Let it go!" She absolutely loves her Barbie Horse that trots on its own. She especially loves making it walk into things... And the last minute My Little Pony backpack we got her was an excellent choice because she stores the "Strawberry Shortcake" tea set that she got in it (it's really just a strawberry tea set). Her Christmas day was spent playing with all her new toys and endless episodes of My Little Pony.

Ben's favorite present was his Star Wars Lego set, he needed lots of help from dad to make it and spent much of his morning doing that. He also got unlimited time to play Minecraft so that was another good part of his day. 

Steven's favorite present was his Minecraft Lego crafting box. He has already made three different things with it. He was really sweet Christmas day and said lots of thank you's to us for all the good stuff he got. It was nice to hear him be thankful. Like his brother, he spent much of the day Lego building and playing Minecraft.

Penny has a short attention span so she didn't dwell too long on any of her presents but she keeps coming back to each of them so I'm pretty sure we did good. Even if we didn't, all her sibling love her robot present and will gladly play with it for her- it records what you say and then plays it back for you in a song. At the end of Christmas day though, she was not a happy camper. I'm pretty sure I gave her my lovely head cold.

I had a busy Christmas. It's amazing the carnage and mess that occurs after 4 kids open presents and so I spent most of the morning cleaning that up and helping the kids find places for their new toys. I also made breakfast which was super fun because I got a pancake "pen" so I attempted to make Christmas tree and candy cane pancakes. They were sort of a hot mess but I still enjoyed the process. My favorite present? Hard to pic one! I was impressed by the cute slippers Tyler picked out and he got me a really pretty wedding ring holder (bird on a tree). I was also happy to get a much needed new food processor and new knives. After cleaning, cooking, and video chatting, I had mashed potatoes to make and then it was time to go to our friends house for dinner. Seriously this being the mom stuff is a lot of work on holidays!

As I mentioned above, that evening we went to The Chappell's home for dinner. They had 4 other families over so it was madness but it was a good madness. The food was delish, the company was great and the kids had plenty of friends to get crazy with. Penny, despite her sick crankiness, really loved the real live baby that was there and kept trying to hold her hand, it was super sweet. All in all this Christmas Season left me feeling blessed with all the good people we have in our lives here in Michigan. They were so good to have us over and it really helped keep me from getting super home sick!

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