Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Clothes, Lights & Other Things

So lately Penny has been so happy and adorable and I have found myself really loving the stage she is in. I even bragged to a few people how great she has been. Apparently that was my downfall because literally the next day after I spoke so kindly about her, she went nutso crazy on me and was pretty much in tears that whole day unless I was holding her. That was Thursday, now it is Saturday and she seems to be back to her adorable self. I hope she stays adorable this time! Here she is looking cute before the Ward Christmas Party:

Notice the adorable bow in her hair? I finally found some that stay in her hair and that she doesn't pull out. Love them! I am hoping the bows will help people to stop calling her a boy, or buddy, or him, or he. Even when she has on her pink shoes and a pink top on she still gets called a boy. Maybe, just maybe, these bows will help enlighten people...

Last Sunday I had the kids wear their cute Christmas clothes because you got to get as much use out of them as possible, right? And since they looked so darling I attempted to get some pictures. However, getting all of them to be in the picture and to look and smile at the camera is quite the challenging task:

On Monday, for FHE, we went to the Wayne County Lightfest. We picked up some doughnuts on the way there and discovered that their stock of doughnuts at night time is less than plentiful. We ended up with 6 creme filled doughnuts that were not loved by any and 6 chocolate frosted doughnuts that were immediately devoured. I think for variety's sake, I may to need to get doughnuts in the morning next time. 

The drive was long due to traffic and as we neared the lightfest we were all extra thirsty from our chocolate doughnuts so Tyler stopped at a gas station to get us drinks. Steven, while looking at his juice, asked us what the "g" stood for. Tyler immediately replied "Gangster!" Steven then said, "This juice has 13 gangsters of sugar in it." Ha ha! I mean close enough right?

When we finally made it to the lights a serious good time was had by all the kids. They loved the Santa ones, the trains one, the ones that looked like a pretty Princess castle and Penelope was pretty cute as she pointed and Ooooed at all the fun lights.

After being spoiled with fairly warm temperatures (warm for Michigan in December) they finally did a drop for the worst Friday. And with the drop came snow. And for some reason I was feeling pro snow and me and the girls headed out to play in the lightly falling snow. I asked Penny to say cheese and this is the face she gave me, priceless:

For dinner that night we made the bad choice to go out. The dinner itself was great, the kids well behaved and the food good, but when it came time to go home all the precipitation had turned into ice. More specifically, black ice. Thank heavens Tyler knows how to drive in that stuff but it was the LONGEST drive home ever.

Other happening this week was Miss Lucy getting fresh with the boys. At our first play date this week she spent the whole time running around hand and hand with her friend Graham. At the second play date this week I found her hiding under the covers with her friend Zane. Yes, she was just hiding so she could scare us but seriously, Miss Lucy and all of her boys!

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