Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

Christmas Eve morning was nice and sunny so we took advantage of that and decorated our cookies for Santa outside (plus that meant less mess for me to clean inside). Lucy enjoyed gobbing on frosting and sprinkles and then eating it. Penny enjoyed licking off the frosting on the cookies we gave her. And the boys and Tyler and I enjoyed being master decorators.

That evening our family and another family from the Ward (the Hansen's) were invited over to The Ormond's house for dinner. Everyone bought a soup and after we stuffed ourselves the adults played a dice game while the kids played in the playroom in the basement. The game we played was called Zilch and apparently all my dice rolling in Bunco has paid off because I won! Tyler kept playing off my points but in the end I was the winner! After that the kids decorated and ate cookies and then we attempted to calm them down by playing some Christmas songs with chimes. The boys were excellent chime players but Lucy just wanted to bang away on the chimes, and was not happy anytime I tried to curb her enthusiasm.

When we got home it was time for our traditional opening of the Christmas PJ's. I was by far the most excited about Tyler's PJ's these year and so was he! Ben was disappointed that he didn't get Star Wars PJ's like Steven, fail on my part. And Tyler, for once, gave me normal PJ's that I can actually wear without embarrassment, whoop, whoop! 

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