Saturday, January 2, 2016

Winter Vacation Week 2

Our second week of Winter Vacation started off with some much needed productiveness- house cleaning, getting new tires for my van and grocery shopping. However, all this productiveness left me unfocused and when I went to make an easy mac for one of the boys, I forgot to add water. Friends, never forgot to add water. It led to burnt noodles that left our whole house smelling terrible.

The next day we needed to have some fun and since I was craving some Chick-fil-a we decided to take a trip out to the closest one which is in Toledo, Ohio. It seemed a little silly to drive the hour and a half just for some yummy food, so I decided we needed to do something else while we were in Toledo. The Toledo Museum of Art was free and only 10 minutes from Chick-fil-a so that was our second destination. But of course we ate plenty of food and enjoyed Chick-fil-a's play area to the fullest before heading to the museum... 

Toledo's Museum of Art was not the most child friendly place. It was quiet, there were lots of things that you could not touch and then there was the oodles of nude statues and paintings that Steven kept stopping to stare at.However, Lucy did love the Degas art exhibit with lots of ballerina paintings, costumes for ballets and a live Ballerina that was posing for people to draw *fully clothed thank heavens*. Lucy and Benny attempted to do their own ballerina poses (and I took pictures with a flash and got busted because no flashes are allowed, oooops!):

The sneaker exhibit was another hit with the kids. With a fun graffitied wall, pictures of sneakers for them to color and lots of cool (and hideous) sneakers on display, it was definitely the most child friendly exhibit:

As we made our way out of the museum Lucy decided to sit on a display chair and got in immediate trouble and we of course we immediately embarrassed and ready to go home but regardless, it was still nice to get away and eat yummy things and see new things.

On Thursday, New Years Eve, we took all the kids to see "The Good Dinosaur". Penny is definitely not movie ready so Tyler and I took turns walking the halls with her. The rest of the kids seemed to like it alright, although some parts were a little scary for Miss Lucy. After that we had to go rescue Tyler's truck that he had lent to someone. They burnt out his clutch in the process of borrowing it SOOOOO after getting AAA to tow it...we're down to one vehicle until we have the money for a new clutch and he has the time to fix it. Sweet. It also kind of killed our New Years Eve, the truck was about 45 minutes away so by the time I dropped Tyler off at it and got back home, the kids were asleep so there was no toasting to the New Year :( 

New Years Day was better though. It involved lots of laziness and a fun White Elephant party that night with friends. We totally scored two awesome gifts! Tyler got a Play&Shave Barbie and I (after stealing from someone else) got an awesome hip swinging bear that sings "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" (Lucy has already listened to it about a thousand times)

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