Saturday, December 5, 2015


Penelope's new favorite thing to do is to squeeze out all the food in her fruit pouch onto her tray and then to scoop it up with her hands and rub it into her hair. As you can see in the picture above, this is quite a messy endeavor and it means that I can't let her be the independent feeder she was before. 

Penelope is starting to get interested in girly things. She likes putting on necklaces, carrying around purses and she even likes a tutu now and then:

Penelope also adores her sister. They were both posing for a picture when for some reason Lucy decided she wanted to strike a praying pose so Penelope followed suit:

I spent most of this week finishing up my Christmas shopping and preparing all the Primary binders and Primary things for next year. I also got it into my head that I needed to root through and organize the rooms upstairs so I did that too. After all that not fun stuff, I decided we needed to do something fun Saturday so we did! We went to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland and like last year, we let each of the kids pick out a new ornament (except for Penelope, poor neglected baby). 

Bear Hug!

The boys both apparently loved the marshmallow character that was on their ornaments that they got last year so they got ones with the same character, it was just doing different stuff. Benny's marshmallow guy was fishing:


And Steven's guy had a tree. He originally wanted one that was tailgating with a 6 pack (I think because it had a flag) but I persuaded him to choose this one instead:

And after picking out a bazillion different ornaments, Lucy finally settled on the Princess castle:

Once the kids found their ornaments we decided it was time to scoot off because it was crazy crowded and thus ended our day of Christmas fun. 

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