Saturday, December 26, 2015

Graham Cracker House Party & Bass Pro Shop

Last Saturday we invited some people over to make graham cracker houses with us. The list of invitees was long but many we're headed out of town or already had parties to attend so we ended up with 3 families joining us: The Solomon's, The Chappell's, & The May's . That was the perfect amount for our small home and I am very happy with how it all turned out. The older kids had fun making and decorating houses, the younger kids had fun getting crazy in the playroom and the adults got some good socialization time. Tyler was the only one complaining at the end because he didn't get to make an awesome creation, he was too busy making frosting and helping our kids put roofs on their houses. Here are the boys masterpieces (I had made one for Lucy to decorate but she had zero interest in doing such, she just wanted to play with her friends): 


Although Tyler and I had no success with making houses the May's and the Solomon's made some masterpieces:


The next day I again attempted to take some pictures of the kids in their cute church Christmas clothes...

Monday began the kid's and Tyler's Winter Break so we celebrated with a trip to the Bass Pro Shop (located in an Outlet mall). We picked up our Santa pass which told us we could line up to see him in an hour. We spent the next hour riding the carousel there, seeing the fish and then eating and playing in the food court. Penny was super attached to this ear of corn and stayed right by it pretty much the whole time. There was a little boy who didn't seem to appreciate her lingering, he kept getting cranky at her for just being there, so silly.

When our time came, we stood in line to see Santa and thankfully the wait went fast. This Santa was really great, he had a Southern accent and Southern charm to go with it. I liked him oodles better than the Milford Santa. Too bad Penny did not like him one bit and she made me be in the picture too. Double too bad that I had not done my hair that day. Now it shall be forever documented:

Tuesday and Wednesday a head cold knocked me out which was totally not cool! We were supposed to be out having Christmas fun but instead I just laid around (when not taking care of my crazy kids) feeling pretty miserable with a yucky headache. Thankfully by Christmas Eve the worst was over and though I still felt crummy, I was able to actually get off my bum and do the things that I needed to/wanted to do.

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