Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 & A Date

This year I was feeling very lame sauce and not entirely excited about ringing in the new year...especially after having a rough day with my kids. A day that included Ben shoving too much food into his mouth & then vomiting it all over himself at Wal-Mart AND it also included a little girl who did not want to nurse. No fun. But I have 2 boys who love to get out and 1 husband who needs to get out so out we went.

We begun our celebrations at my good friend Karen's house where we were served some delicious food and able to socialize with adults. There were a ton of kids there so this was good for me- I got to have adult time while the boys had there kid time. And I got to eat yummy food- all things I like. But by 7:00 or so I was already pooped (isn't that sad) and ready to go home. I was ready to pretend the New Year had arrived, feed Lucy & then sleep- like I said, I was ready to be lame sauce.

However, we still had to go to his parent's house to hang out with his family. I love his family but I was not feeling very social at this point. And Ben made sure that I didn't get any social in. Tyler's dad had bought a bunch of fireworks and Ben was terrified of them! 

Here he is hiding behind Keshia:

I ended up spending most of the night with my scared, little Ben in the house while everyone else lit fire crackers and socialized:

Steven and his daddy, however, had lots of fun:

After awhile I left Ben alone in the house and tried to keep Steven warm outside while everyone drank hot cocoa and talked around the fire pit. About 11:00, we went home, I fed Lucy and then crashed. It was like 11:45 when I went to bed but I couldn't even stay up those extra 15 minutes to greet 2013. I hope this isn't a sign that 2013 is going to be exhausting.,.

On New Year's Day, while Tyler went on a hike with my brother Mike & cousin Fred, I went on a date with Steven. He's been being very naughty lately and I think it's because he's been in need of some attention so my mom was nice enough to watch Ben & Lucy while me and Steven went and saw "Hotel Transylvania" at the cheap theater in the mall. Our tickets were only $1 each which was AwEsOmE for thrifty me! And the movie was surprisingly a good one. I was worried because I hadn't even heard of it but I enjoyed it & Steven was able to sit through the whole thing.

After the movie, Steven & I headed to the food court and had some DQ. Steven asked for the chocolate dipped cone but didn't even eat the cone...apparently he hates cones. But he did love the chocolate. Next time I'm thinking I'll get him a Dilly Bar...  

It was fun to hang out with my little boy (who is growing up much to quickly!) and actually have a long period of time with him where I wasn't yelling at him to stop doing something. It was a much needed date and I really need to get better at having those with him more frequently.

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