Sunday, January 27, 2013

News From the Week

My little Lucy Bear has been quite the bear this past week. She is not nursing well. About half the feedings a day she will nurse for a very short amount of time ( 5-10 min's total) and then refuse to eat. I'm not quite sure what's going on. I thought it could be my diet but something I eat may not bother her one day but I can eat the same thing the next day and she's bothered. Then I thought maybe it was reflux but the medicine the doctor gave me doesn't seem to help either. So I am not sure what her deal is. If she wasn't so chubby I would be more concerned but when you look at all her rolls it's hard to be concerned. 

Also this week she has been very into sucking on her hand. She has gotten a hold of her thumb a few times but I caught her in the picture below sucking her ring finger and middle finger- the fingers of my choice when I was a baby...

Steven has made me proud this week- he memorized the first article of faith and mostly learned "I am a Child of God". I even captured it on video tape so I have proof should he choose to be stubborn or forgot he knows such things! Also this week he got a letter from his Aunt Mariah who is currently at the MTC but will be in Minneapolis Minnesota by the end of this week. She drew him an awesome picture of the tooth fairy paying him a visit and though he LOVED getting mail from and he carried it around proudly for the rest of the day, he was quick to point out her mistakes in the drawing- #1: He doesn't have black hair & #2: He has a bunk bed, not a single bed. Oh the little turkey.

And in the picture below, Steven made his own preschool for babies. He was not wearing pants so he decided that this was a "No pants allowed" preschool & he would put that sign on the doorway. He was super cute about the whole things so I had to snap a picture.

Oh my Benny has been lots of drama lately and the pictures below capture this perfectly. However, I am also proud of Benny because for a 2 year old he has done a pretty good job learning the first article of faith. He may not have it perfectly like Steven but he can say "We believe in God & in the Holy Ghost!" when he's willing. It's cuteness! And lately I've been realizing what a poor middle child he really is. I can never think of fun stories to tell about him. All I can ever think to say is that he's drama...Poor middle child Ben :(

And as for me & Tyler---well Tyler has been even more busy this semester if that's possible. I really feel like his Scouts get to see him more than me since they get him on camp outs. I maybe saw him for a total of 3 hours this week!? It's been hard because I don't do well at being a single, working mother- I need support! But I've been working at getting up earlier so that I don't start off the morning feeling frazzled and that's been helping some. However, then I'm exhausted which makes me emotional SO....It feels hard to win sometimes. I am grateful I am not working full time anymore though or subbing anymore because then I know all this would be even harder. AND for some BIG news- Tyler might actually graduate this December instead of May 2014. He will just have to take a class in summer school & make sure he passes all his classes. I REALLY hope that happens because I would love for that light at the end of the tunnel to be that much closer. That would be wonderful!

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