Monday, January 7, 2013

7 Years Later...

Tyler & I celebrated our 7th Anniversary this week! It's amazing to me that I met this guy on a blind date of all things and that despite the crazy trial of work & school we are still happily married. It certainly hasn't been easy and always wonderful but I am glad we have stuck it out because I really do love Tyler and I am truly grateful that I get to be with him for an eternity. 

We weren't able to celebrate on our actual anniversary but on the Saturday after it we did some major celebrating. We had an excellent 6 hour, kid free date!  

We started out at Ruth Chris's Steakhouse. Tyler has been raving about this place since we were married (he went there for senior prom ages ago) but we had never been there because of the cost. However, thanks to his very generous grandparents we were able to go there. Now, I am not a huge steak person and will probably never rave about the steak the way Tyler does (it was very tender but I didn't think the flavor was anything spectacular) but just seeing how happy it made my hubby made it all worth it. I did really like the mashed potatoes though ;)

After filling up there we headed to Jesterz for some improv comedy. We just barely made it there on time so we ended up sitting in the front row. I was worried because with improv the front row can be risky but thankfully we were never called on to do anything embarrassing. Instead they called on a poor Australian girl to make sound affects for a fishing skit- she was super shy about it which really enhanced the hilarity of the skit. However, my favorite skit was when one of the actors pretended to be a first grade boy- so funny!

And when the Jesterz show was over, we still had about an hour before we needed to get home so we went to Applebee's. We were going to get dessert there but instead we ended up getting an appetizer- a second dinner! It was yummy and it was nice just to spend more time chatting with Tyler.

It really was the perfect date and I am so grateful to Keshia & Scott for watching our kids. We are definitely going to owe them lots of free babysitting when they are able to have kids of their own.


  1. Oh men and their steaks....glad you had a nice date!

  2. Fun you got some good, long alone time! Happy anniversary :)
