Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Long Week

This week I realized how hard it is to be sick and the mom of 3 kids. Tuesday afternoon I started to get a head ache, and basically achy all over. I was also getting chills and then heat flashes. It was awful and only got worse the next day. It seems I managed to get a bad case of the flu with every crappy symptom possible & through it all, I had to take care of my kids so it took forever for me to recover- I'm still not fully there. Poor Ben & Steven got it too but they were able to get lots of R&R and they have recovered much more quickly than me. 

Now for some updates on my cute kids:

Lucy had her 2 mnth check up this week (although she's actually 10 weeks now) and she still tops the charts. 24 inches tall (97th percentile) and 13 pounds (90th in weight). I love my big girl! 

Lucy is officially doing great at the whole eat-wake-sleep thing. Though the amount of time that cycle may take varies, I still feel like we are in a comfortable routine. The eat & wake part lasts 1-1.5 hours (Lately more like 1.5 hours)- this is when I usually try to run errands. The sleep part lasts 40 minutes to 1.5 hours- she may fuss when I put her down in her crib but she always does sleep. She usually naps longer in the morning and less in the afternoon. Things I can count on: Lucy will only wake up just once in the night (somewhere between 2 & 4- usually closer to 2) AND she will have her last feeding of the day between 8:30 & 9:30pm. 

Ben is my little cutie pie. He loves to burst out into loud laughter over silly things. He gives great kisses and excellent hugs. I especially love when he runs at me full speed for a big giant hug! He loves his brother and is broken hearted whenever he leaves him out- even if it is just out of the bathroom. I love this boy, I just wish he wouldn't cry so easily. He cries over EVERYTHING, and it sometimes it makes me cRaZy!

Steven is back in the co-op preschool- yippee! In August we didn't do it because only 3 other moms expressed interest. But now there are 6 other moms that wanted in and that is much better. That means I only have to teach every 7th week- me likey! So Steven is back in preschool. It meets Mondays & Wednesdays from 9-11:30. It is so good for him to be back in something, learning & socializing. And it is so good for me because now I can run errands again with just 2 kids- so much easier!

Also this week Steven and I had a fun conversation about loosing teeth and the tooth fairy. He was very curious as to how the tooth fairy gets into your house (which I really don't know, I said it's comes in through the window) and he also wanted to know if it wakes you up and has you get off your pillow so it can put the money under it. I had to explain that it just slides the money under you while your sleeping. He was starting to get excited until he asked the fateful question, "Does it hurt when your tooth comes out?" I truthfully replied, "Yeah, sometimes..." He was quiet for awhile and then said, "At my next birthday I'll be 9. Will all my teeth be out when I am 9!?" I guess he's not so excited after all...

1 comment:

  1. Colin is my easy crier too- he started at a very early age- maybe it's a middle child thing? I know he demands more attention than the other two so I think it may be partial to that and he just wants to be treated respectfully and courteously :) Oh the tooth fairy, so fun! Done that 9 times and I think the tooth fairy has still NOT "gotten it". Every tooth is different and so is the day you lose it!
