Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Countdown

Despite the fact that his 5th birthday may mark the beginning of losing teeth, Steven is still VERY excited for his birthday. He has decided that he wants a ghost/graveyard cake, a remote control car and a penguin dream lite. He wishes Carlos Bakery (from show Cake Boss) would make his cake, but he said daddy's cake will have to do. To help him countdown the days until his birthday we made a paper chain. Everyday he gets to take one chain off and when they're ALL gone- it'll be his birthday!! And an added bonus, Patty & Brian will be coming in town on his birthday and staying with us- double count down!

And an update on our health. Daddy has been the only one to remain unscathed by the flu thus far (which is good since he had a scout camp out this weekend). Steven, Ben & I are all suffering from a lingering cough and runny noses. And poor Lucy has gotten a mild fever on & off, congestion, and watery eyes BUT despite all that she is still giving me smiles (can you tell she loves this bouncer, it's in like every post :) ) :

Since we've been home bound so long with sickness, we finally got our booties out of the house Thursday (to the "train bookstore") and oh it was wonderful! I know people probably hate us because we are all coughing away and spreading our disease but it is so nice to get out. I forgot how much happier it makes the boys (which in turn makes me happier).. Also this week, I totally forgot about preschool Wednesday and ended up dropping off Steven a half an hour late- so unlike me. I swear this being a mother of 3 children is really a hard adjustment for me- hopefully I start adjusting soon!

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