Friday, February 1, 2013

My Silly Life

And would you believe that was the best picture I could get of my 3 children!? Ben, insisted on holding the scissors, "Cause he wants to!"- His new found favorite phrase, that & "Why?" Pretty much all he says these days. Just now I asked him if he did anything funny I should write about and his response, "I just sat down on the couch." Oh, Ben. I love the picture of him below holding his little sister who looks just as big as him :) 

And here he is looking perfectly devious with the scissors....

This week Steven discovered "America's Funniest Home Videos" on Netflix, or as he calls it, "The Owie Show." He loved watching it! And I do mean lovED because today it disappeared from Netflix- completely depressing! But it was fun while it lasted and I loved how he kept purposely running into things and asking "Is there a camera watching me?" I realized we really should be followed around by a camera though- we could provide it with lots of funny moments-- like when I slid down the last few stairs this week, right into Ben or when I tried to shut the microwave door on Steven's head...ooops...

This week I asked Steven what he did in preschool and he informed me that he married Hannah in the backyard...He also watched Sponge Bob...This co-op preschool is super educational ;) Then the next day he told me he wanted to marry Lucy- so fickle! He has also informed me that when he grows up he wants to be a girl. Why? So then he can feed Lucy. I worry about this child.

And for bragging rights- Steven now has the second article of faith memorized! Hearing him say "transgressions" is pretty cute!

Lucy is still being a bear when it comes to nursing but oh, she is SO cute that all is easily forgiven. Hopefully someday soon she will decide she likes to nurse all the time and not just in the evenings and early mornings (hopefully before I lose my milk!) On a happy note Lucy has become so "chatty" lately- I love her baby babble! And really she is a happy baby- she just happens to be a happy, chubby baby that doesn't like to eat. And also she is already becoming a drooler- check out the wet spot on her onesie in the bottom picture.

And for me, this week has been semi-painful. It has felt like a super busy week and I had a mishap on Wednesday that about killed me. I had just finished cleaning the house- a task that used to take 2 hours but now with an extra child takes 3 hours- and I opened up the dryer to find that Tyler's color changing pen had exploded all over EVERYTHING. 2 days worth of clothes, a couple towels and the dryer itself were all very colorful. Here I was thinking I was finishing my last task until dinner time and then pure mess. I melted down, called my mom for advice on how to clean it all and then got to work. Steven was a super helper- he got in the dryer with rubbing alcohol on a towel and started scrubbing it down- he probably lost some brain cells from the stench but I was SO grateful for his help. The dryer is now a light blue. The clothes- I Shouted out & prewashed like 5 times and all the dark colored ones were basically saved. The lighter colored ones were a pretty hopeless case. Oh motherhood...


  1. Oh motherhood is right! Makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you do things you've never thought you'd do! I could see colin also very happily climbing into the dryer with alcohol :)Is Lucy turning into a Benny drooler?

  2. Love that scissor picture! He is hilarious. And Steven is so weird. But we already knew that. Ugh - all the tips on getting ink off clothes never worked for me! I've only ruined 2 shirts so far luckily...
