Saturday, April 28, 2012

A mostly me themed post

This week was ultra busy- as usual! Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning I was in charge of Steven's preschool. It went so smoothly and even though it's my last week for this school year, it won't be my last week ever. Thankfully there are enough people interested in doing it next year that Steven will get to be in preschool again. That makes me so happy because without the co-op, he wouldn't get to go to preschool at all.

Tuesday and Thursday I subbed. Tuesday's sub job was exhausting! They had Field Day which meant standing out in direct sunlight for 2 hours- no shade. And unlike the Field Days from my youth, this one included no water play. Plus they didn't have enough Otter Pops for the teachers. Absolutely depressing. But the highlight to the job: my old principal from Coronado, the one who I thought hated me, actually told me I could come see her if I ever want to teach full-time again. Very flattering!

However, that evening I got in trouble with my tutoring boss. I have this awful parent who is constantly "forgetting" to tell me that their child is not going to come to tutoring, and my boss wasn't happy with how I handled the situation. Apparently stating facts- that they are habitually not showing without a heads up so I will have to charge them the no-show fee- was not the way to do it. She also said I was being too crabby with one of my students. It's no fun to get in trouble so I must start working on my niceness. Darn pregnancy hormones.

Sadly I lost 3 tutoring sessions this week. I'm just so good that they don't need me anymore (or just so mean they don't want to see me anymore). But the one client was nice enough to get me a gift card to T.G.I.Friday's (and make me the sweetest card) so Tyler & I had a nice date night tonight. I love FREE food!

And since this post is not too fun, I will end this me-centered post with a fun picture:

Yes, Steven willingly let his daddy try out his rope tying skills on him :)

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