Saturday, April 14, 2012

Annual Check Ups

Yesterday Ben and Steven got their annual check ups. Ben had issues with standing on the scale and being measured, for some reason he finds those procedures traumatizing. Maybe because they usually lead to shots but lucky for him, this visit required no shots. Surprisingly, I learned that my little chubbers is in the 20th percentile for weight- meaning he is way below average in weight. I also learned he's in the 60th percentile for height. According to these numbers my baby is tall and skinny but all I see are his chubby cheeks and I just can't believe it.

Steven did really great for his checkup until, of course, he had to get 4 shots. It was extremely traumatizing for all involved. The shot from when they put him under at the dentist was still very prominent in his mind and he did not want to feel that "pinch" again. They had to have me and a nurse hold him down while another administered all 4 shots. I thought I was going to burst out in tears, I felt like such a horrible mommy as he screamed, cried and struggled against me.

In order to lessen my guilt I picked up Tyler from work and we took the boys out to lunch. After chicken stars and a play place he was feeling much happier.

At the doctor's visit, Steven was also prescribed a 5 day treatment of oral steroids. This past week he had some really bad nights and one awful day full of coughing. It was almost non-stop coughing, just 30 seconds in between fits. It was rough for him because he was lacking sleep and cranky and it was rough for me because I was lacking sleep which made me feel more queasy. I even slept in our walk-in closet one night because it was far enough away from the coughing that I could finally rest. These oral steroids seem to be helping though, we had a cough free night last night. The Doctor said if he continues to have these bad episodes though, she may have to prescribe steroids that he inhales on a more regular basis. My poor sickly child. I really hope none of my other kids have such health issues! 

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