Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ben is such a messy, little boy.  I swear this kid is always covered in something and if for some reason he isn't a mess, then he is creating a mess somewhere. The picture above doesn't show it too well but his face was covered with black patches and sticky, white goo.

Ben has been a really happy boy lately, if only I could fix his bad eating habits. I tried this week to give him fruit in the guise of a smoothie, to slip some ham and pineapple in his pizza pocket, and give him muffins with carrots inside. I was unsuccessful, he was on to each attempt...Except for the muffins! I did get him to eat one carrot muffin which he had greeted with, "Birthday!" He thought it was a cupcake. Whatever works!

Above is the result of a random "spooning" incident. Steven was drumming some pots with a spoon and then decided to whack my Kindle. It now doesn't show any of the top words which is very depressing. Especially since I was in the middle of reading an excellent book on it, "The Forgotten Gardens." Thankfully I can still read the book on my computer....

Some funny things Steven said this week (that maybe alleviated some of my anger at him for breaking my Kindle?) I told him he was going to Bryson's house Friday and he asked what Bryson's mommy's name was. I said, "Aunt Tara." He said, "No! Ants bite mommy!" Oh homophone humor. 

Second funny, Steven came home from cleaning the offices at the end of a chick flick I was watching. Of course the characters were smooching and I said, "Ewww! They're kissing!" Steven added, "On the lips!" Then he paused for a moment and added, "I wanna do that!" My, my is my child already fresh.

Here's a lovely picture of Steven hiding behind my bum as I show off my barely visible baby bump. I was feeling large but this picture makes me feel better. I'm really surprised I'm not larger due to all my cravings, Cherry Cream Slush at Sonic, Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, mozzarella sticks... all matters of unhealthiness! The queasiness is still present, I'm still always tired and my patience is very limited but with every passing week I get more and more excited to have this baby! Only 27 weeks to go ;) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh no your kindle!! i'm glad steven's cuteness saved him from your wrath...
