Friday, April 13, 2012

12 Weeks Down

Somehow I missed writing about Baby Hatch #3's ultrasound that I had it last week. Maybe it was because I was going to scan in the picture but our scanner is not working. Lame- I know- but the picture is not the best baby photograph anyways. 

Anywho, the ultrasound was way fun and reassuring. My little baby was jumping around in there like a little jumping bean- I'm pretty sure it's a boy. Baby's heartbeat was normal and baby was measuring well. 

My due date is is now set for October 26th and Steven can't wait to tell anyone he comes in contact with that his mommy has a baby in her tummy. From RS presidency members, preschool teachers to random people in the park. I'm so glad he's SO excited about it! I'm also glad that he enjoys staring at my bloated nighttime tummy and asking if my popped out belly button is the baby. Thanks to that bloating I'm already wearing the stretchy pants which I actually happen to love- so comfortable!

The sickness of pregnancy remains in force. My sickness is like a roller coaster- sometimes I feel absolutely fine and other times I feel so darn queasy. Food helps sometimes and sometimes the idea of food makes me feel worse. And I always seem to feel tired. I love when I don't sub and I can lie down with Steven in the afternoon and take a nap too. The one positive thing to this first trimester is that my crazy heartburn only lasted the first couple weeks and hasn't returned since. Yippee! And since I am now 12 weeks along, hopefully those queasy feelings will end soon...

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