Sunday, March 25, 2012

A New Shirt

Can you read my new shirt?
(Shiver me timbers! I'm going to be a big brother!)

I have been delaying posting this because I know I have more than family that reads this and I did have some complications with my last pregnancy but I stink at keeping secrets PLUS this is my "journal" and I shouldn't keep secrets from my journal right!? But please friends, I am not ready for a Facebook sort of spread so no sharing would be appreciated.

ANYWAYS, I am 9 weeks along and sometimes I think I must be insane. I was SO set against having another one anytime soon, I was much thinking I would have sort of a "second" family in a couple years due to finances and the overall craziness of the 2 I already have. But geeze, when Heavenly Father wants you to have another one, he doesn't let your own fears stand in the way very long and I know for a surety that I am doing what I am supposed to and I know it will be ok.

And now for the baby stories that I have desperately wanted to share. 

#1: The Test: The first test I took showed a very faint line in the plus sign so Tyler was not convinced, I was though. It wasn't until I bought a digital one that said "pregnant" that he would finally get excited. This was the earliest I had ever found out though, I was only like 3 weeks along.

#2: Breaking the news to my family: I had Ben wear the above shirt to family dinner. I thought that would he a fun way to let them know but apparently my family doesn't read shirts for understanding. My dad, read it aloud and then moved on- no comprehension at all! After a full hour and no congratulations, my brother Mike finally read it- saw the Capt. Ben part and went "Wait a minute...!" They weren't as thrilled as I had hoped-- my mom saw more kids to watch & my dad worries about our finances but I'm happy, so there ;)

#3: Oops I did it again!: So we weren't going to tell his family until about now BUT just like with Ben, I was blatantly asked by someone in his family if I was pregnant (Thanks a lot Steven for telling Keshia "Mommy's going to have a baby at Halloween/Christmas") And because I stink at hiding things I turned bright red and the truth was out (again-just like last time- you'd think I'd have learned how to keep a secret by now...).

#4: Steven: Steven is pretty excited about me having a baby. Originally he was convinced it was a girl. When he heard me talking to my brother and expressing excitement that they were having a boy he shouted. "No mommy, you're having a girl!" But now he's convinced it is a boy. He has also decided that it will be called Jayden. That's my fault, though. We are all set on girl's names but if it's a boy we've got no idea. I have been throwing boy names out there and this was one that Steven just can't let go of. Too bad, I have decided against it. But regardless of name or gender, Steven can't wait to have it sit by him in the van so he can touch it's head "and then he'll be happy." My goofy boy.

This Friday I finally get to go visit my new doctor (which was tricky to get into, I got quite the interview before they set up an appointment) and I am super excited to hopefully hear that heartbeat. I am also super excited to finally be at an OBGYN close to home, that isn't supposed to have long wait time and that is positive about me having a VBAC. And despite the nausea and tiredness and my new found lack of patience, life is good :)

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