Sunday, March 25, 2012


My cousin Breezy, her hubby Josh and her 2 boys, William and Richard, came to visit us St.Patrick Day weekend. It was great to have them here. Unfortunately, we had to abandon them their first full day at our home. We left them to attend Tyler's Great Aunt Ruth and Great Uncle Gerald's funeral in Snowflake. The funeral was nicely done and his Great Aunt & Uncle had much family and friends in attendance. It was amazing to have their son and daughter-in-law attend the funeral as well, they had been in the same plane crash and it was truly miraculous that they survived. As always I cried, it never seems to matter how well I know someone, the spirit is always strong. I do know that we will see them again and that I will have the opportunity to get to know them better.

The next day we went to church and then spent the afternoon with Breezy and her fam at my parent's house. I absolutely love hanging out with family. It's my favorite way to spend a Sunday.

Monday morning they hung out with me and Ben (Steven was at pre-k) and then they went out for the afternoon while my boys napped. When they came be back I made them dinner and again, more much loved socializing. 

I think though, that Steven was probably the saddest when they left Tuesday morning. He and William got along so well, and they even had a "sleepover" in his room. He kept insisting that William should stay and it reminded me a lot of how Breezy and I used to be when we had to part ways after summer fun. I love that!

I, as usual, failed to take pictures but I did steal this picture of them off Facebook. 

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