Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Zoo!

My friend Karen has a membership to the zoo and invited us to go with her and her kids on Ben's birthday. We couldn't pass up a free day to the zoo, especially on Ben's birthday, so of course we went!

I am so glad we did! The boys had a good time with friends (and animals) and the weather was nice. They loved playing in the play house there, hearing the tiger roar and sitting down by a monkey with only a glass in between. The orangutan was super cute as it pulled in palm leaves and cuddled in it's blanket. And Chaparral's First Grade happened to be there at the same time as us so I got to see an old student of mine and my old co-workers. That was a fun coincidence! 

We did have a rough patch at one point but Jenny Smith (another friend that came with Karen) saved the day. She gave Ben a lollipop and Steven a fruit snack and they were both pacified. And then the rest of the trip went smoothly. All and all a fantastic outing to the zoo!

The birthday boy

Best buddies- Steven and Colin

A visit with a monkey ("mommy it kissed me!")

The lollipop that saved the day

Boys will be boys

Ben smiling at pretty Oakley Smith

Ben used his birthday money from his Great Grandma and Grandpa to get a new "baby" He picked an owl which was very Harry Potter like of him. He also got yet another lollipop and was nice enough to get Steven a lollipop too.

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