Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ben is Officially 2

Ben had the fun zoo visit for his birthday but that night I had to tutor so there was no celebrations that day. That night I finally built one of his presents (go me!) so when he woke up the next morning we had him open our gifts to him. He had after all been officially two for a day now, he deserved to open them. He was pretty cute about it. He enjoyed posing with the wrapped gifts and was very open to lots of help from his big brother. However, his big brother felt because of that help he was entitled to all of Ben's gifts....

That evening we had Ben's party with the family. My friend Katrin and my other friend Rebekka happened to be in town so they stopped by too which was a fun surprise.  I didn't deck things out like I did with Steven's party nor were there any games but thanks to Rebecca Brady's homemade pizza it was a smashing success! If only Ben felt that way too....He is still on a hunger strike and didn't eat any pizza and he wasn't too in love with the singing part. Just like his last party he burst into to tears and wailed throughout the song. It took a few presents before his spirits lifted and smiles were to be seen again. Steven was nice enough, once again, to help with the opening (and the playing of the presents).

Rebecca's AMAZING pizza

Ben loves the movie "Wall-E" (or as he says "Lale") so his daddy made him a Ben-E cake- version 2.0

No singing yet so the boy's still happy

But then the loud Hatch Family bursts into song and....

Still too upset to blow out his own candles so Steven & his cousin, Bryson, have to help him out

Still unsure about this whole party thing- what's going to come out of that bag!?

Finally feeling better

I can't believe my Bennie boy is not a baby anymore! I love that little man, drama and all! 

1 comment:

  1. poor traumatized ben. at least everyone else had fun :) and thanks for the pizza advertisement :)
