Monday, March 12, 2012

A Steven Centered Post (I Still Love You Too Ben)

What do you do if you don't have the money to go on a trip? You go watch other people leave on theirs! This past Saturday I took Steven on the Light Rail to Sky Harbor so we could do some plane watching and I managed to enlist my brother and his wife to come with me on this adventure. Tyler had to stay behind to plumb but was kind enough to take Ben plumbing with him (Ben generally doesn't do so well with traveling places)

I was worried that we'd get to the airport and Steven would get bored after watching one plane take off. Thankfully, that was not the case at all. Steven had a blast watching the planes. He was totally enthralled and we spent a good amount of the morning there, traipsing back and forth across the roof top gazing at all the airport sights. It was a way fun way to spend a morning.

Steven and mommy waiting for the "train" (aka Light Rail)

Steven with his favorite Uncle (and me)

 Cutie pie Mecca (you can't even tell she's pregnant without seeing her tummy)

From serious to the goober he really is!

Funny Steven:
- Steven and Ben were driving me crazy so I told them I was taking them back! Steven said, "Back in your tummy?" I said, "Yes!" And Steven said, "But I don't want to be a seed in your tummy again!" 

- During Sharing Time in Primary, a stuffed cow was being passed around and if you were holding it when the music stopped you had to tell a way that you followed the Prophet. That stuffed cow landed on Steven and after a prompt from his teacher ("help your mom") Steven declared, "Help my mom feed the cows" 

- After reading Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs for the millionth time Steven declared that he wanted food to rain from the sky. I explained that God is the one in charge of that stuff. So he then said a prayer, "Dear Heavenly Father. Thanks you for this day. God will you please rain food- like broccoli, carrots, apples..." (He really did ask for it to rain all that healthy stuff) Then as he was laying down for nap he kept making comments that he thought he heard food hitting the roof. That kid has strong faith :)

More Steven fun this past week: making pink pancakes (not my choice, his), seeing a dust devil (which he calls a "tomato" ) and painting with his cousin:


  1. i'm so glad your son is learning useful things in primary... lol.

  2. Poor neglected Ben, he NEVER gets to do ANYTHING fun!
