Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

I wasn't able to send a New Years Card out to as many people as I usually do this year because of finances being tight so for those of you who missed out here's a little update on our life and some cute new family pictures at the end:

Tyler continues to work part-time at a building supply company as their lead computer program developer. He also continues to move along at ASU. This Fall Semester he got straight B's in the classes he was taking. That was a huge accomplishment for him. If all goes as planned he will graduate from ASU in 4 more semesters with a degree in Computer Engineering.

This May I finally said adios to being a full time teacher. Now I am a substitute teacher, usually I sub about twice a week. I also tutor two nights a week. We are definitely living on a small budget now that I'm very part time but I am getting quite good at cutting coupons and shopping the weekly ads. We are also lucky that my parent's continue to let us rent their old house for a wicked, good price. We are so blessed to have such a large space and great neighborhood to live in despite our financial strains.

Steven is growing too fast. He will be 4 years old this February. Some ladies at my church organized a cooperative preschool which means that we all take a turn teaching 7 little preschoolers. This is great because Steven is able to attend preschool twice a week at no cost to us and all his church friends are there. He is learning so much. He can identify all his colors, shapes, and letters. He is even beginning to write some of his ABC’s. He loves books, coloring, and being with friends and cousins.

Benjamin will be 2 years old at the end of March. He was a late walker but now cruises around with no problems and his vocabulary continues to grow. He loves being outside, throwing balls, and of course, trucks & trains!

We are so blessed to live near to many good friends and family and I am grateful everyday for the beautiful life we’ve been blessed with. We wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope for an amazing 2012 for all!

Jenny, Tyler, Steven & Ben

The Ghost Strikes Again

My children have caught their typical Winter cough so there humidifiers are back in action and my sleepless nights are back. At 1:30am I was awoke by a loud coughing sound at my doorway. Apparently the med's I had given Steven had worn off and if he couldn't sleep, neither could I. I took him back to his room, gave him another dose of cough suppressant (which wasn't easy) and laid with him until the coughing subsided and he was able to sleep again. By that time I was wide awake. 

And as I laid in bed waiting to fall back asleep, I heard an eerie knocking sound. The first time I thought maybe I was just imagining it but then I kept hearing it. So, feeling a bit terrified but slightly brave as well, I went downstairs to investigate. I timidly peeked from the stairs out the front door window, I turned on the living room light and then turned it off, I waited quietly for the sound but it didn't return. My investigation was fruitless. So I went back upstairs. 

Of course, as soon as I had laid down and was feeling sleepy, the sound returned. After quite some time of listening to it and feeling properly creeped out I finally decided to wake up Tyler. Together we  went  downstairs to investigate and as before, the sound disappeared and didn't return until we were both back, and cozy in bed.

As I laid in bed I determined our old lady ghost was back and was just knocking around downstairs with her cane. Nothing to be afraid of, right? And as I came to this conclusion, Tyler had a revelation. 

The humidifier in Ben's room. He went into Ben's room and his revelation was confirmed. The knocking sound was the water "glugging" down. Annoying but not too scary.

 So last night we did have a ghost, but this time it was in the shape of an elephant...

Steven Vs. Pull-Ups


When Steven was first potty trained he only had accidents a couple times a month during the night. But recently the amount of accidents has greatly increased. After trying to limit water intake, having him go potty right before bed time, even offering incentives I could see it was something he couldn't control so, I introduced him to Pull-Ups It wasn't out of anger or spite, I just couldn't keep cleaning up after him. I had no idea I was starting WWIII.

After being potty trained since this summer, my stubborn child did not want to revert to wearing what he perceived as "diapers." Every night bedtime was painful as I had to force him to put on the Pull-Ups. There was screaming, there was back arching and of course, intense wiggling.

And even worse, the little turkey, would wake up in the middle of the night and change into underwear only to have an accident later on in the night and I would still end up having to wash his sheets. Frustrating.

But I am grateful to say that the Pull-Ups have finally won the war! How? All of Steven's underwear is now located in our room. So when it's time for bed, there is no choice but Pull-Ups to put on. And when he wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to put on his underwear, what does he find? A drawer full of Pull-Ups. It's fantastic and I am enjoying the sweet smell of clean sheets again!

Monday, December 26, 2011

The BIG Christmas Post

On Christmas Day we, surprisingly, had to wake up the boys at 8am. It seemed that despite all our building up the night before Steven didn't really believe that it was finally Christmas. When woken he said, "We have to go back to sleep so Santa can come." He clearly didn't realize that we had already done that... 

Steven as usual gave a pretty lame-sauce reaction when he walked down the stairs (but at least he faked happiness for the camera once and I do mean just once) but Ben got pretty excited about his gifts...once they were opened. He would NOT open the presents so pretty much I ended up opening all of them.

Ben with the basketball hoop & ball that Santa got him 

 Steven on the bike Santa got him- unfortunately he still can't figure out the pedals so he hates it :(

Steven looking thrilled with the "rocket ship" Santa got him 

Ben loving his new cars!

Tyler showing off the paint scraper & flashlight that Steven picked out for him

Tyler "loving" the game he got for his new Xbox

Steven with all his presents. Santa got him a volcano AND rockets and still no joy for the camera....

Ben looking disgusted by his gifts

Tyler with his meager amount of gifts but he did FINALLY get an Xbox!

Me spoiled rotten as always. I got a bike & a camera & TONS of clothes & shoes. Ridiculously spoiled. 

After the gifts were unwrapped, I went outside to make sure that I really could still remember how to ride a bike. Then we all got dressed up for church and went to the Hatch home. Once there, we were given a few more gifts and then we hung out until we had to leave for church. Hanging out consisted of Steven playing with Brennen & Bryson's new toys, me browsing Pintrest with my sister-in-laws & Tyler setting up Mariah's new laptop.

Steven got another volcano! Unlike the lava lamp volcano Santa got him, this one really explodes!

 Ben got some Thomas the Train Squirt Toys for the bath tub

Steven opened our gifts...

And Tyler was SO excited to see Steven holding another controller for his Xbox

And I got an Amazon gift card!

After church we headed to my parent's house. My mom had out the makings for turkey sandwich and then their was my famous bean salsa and Rebecca made delicious spinach dip. It was a delicious dinner. When we finished stuffing our faces, Tyler made Steven's volcano explode and then their was some more gift unwrapping...

I stuck with my traditional LEGO gift for my brother

My mom got my cousin Fred a yummy treat & AMC gift card

I got Rebecca a food processor so she wouldn't have to borrow mine ;)

My mom got me a cute necklace holder (She also got me a necklace & made me a blanket & my brother got me ANOTHER gift card for Amazon- now I can finally read books on my Kindle again!)

My mom reading the amazing book I made her and dad called "10 Ways to Be a Brady"

My dad displaying the paintings my boys made for him

After the gifts were exchanged I worked on a puzzle with Fred & Rebecca, Tyler played Xbox with Mike & my boys threw around the Angry Birds Rebecca made them & played with all the other toys my mom has hanging about. It was really a nice & relaxing end to Christmas Day.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent at Tyler's parent's house. We enjoyed our traditional dinner of turkey and ham and shared favorite Christmas Memories while the food digested. Then the boys did boy things...

Ben giving us his party face

Steven and Brennen showing off their dance moves

When everyone was finally ready we opened our Secret Santa gifts. Tyler got a fantastic jacket and I got an Amazon Gift Card. Then we opened our PJ's and here I had an epic fail. I brought a clothing box that I thought was Ben's PJ's but was really one of my Christmas gifts. This meant Ben did not get to wear his awesome Christmas jammies at Grandma's house that night and so we did not have a picture of all of his in our new PJ's in front of the tree :(

Daddy was nice enough to let Ben open his PJ bag

Me being so excited to get another stupid shirt for my PJ's from Tyler. This one says "Vadar is coming. Look busy."

Steven loves his PJ's (which is good since he picked them out...)

Steven being shameless

Steven & Brennen

Ben got to wear his daddy's PJ shirt

After getting dressed in our PJ's we all piled in cars and went to a nearby neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. We also visited this house off of Gilbert that has this amazing music/light show. Then it was homeward bound and off to bed so that Santa could come eat some cookies and deliver some presents... 

Santa Cookies

Steven & Ben both "helped" with making the cookies. Steven helped by pouring an insane amount of flour on the counter and rolling pin and attempting to cut out the cookies. Ben helped by eating cookie dough so their was less cookies to make.

The next day, when Daddy was finally home, we decorated the cookies. Ben did a really good job eating the frosting.

Steven did a really good job making letters on his cookies for Santa. First he said he was making "C's" for Santa and then he said they were "I's".

Tyler & I were excellent decorators as well...

These are our beautiful cookies. Can you tell which ones Steven & Ben made?