Sunday, March 3, 2024

Hatch Visit, Detroit Zoo

Sunday I ended up not going to church and having to cancel my parent teacher council class. I was still not feeling well and Ruby had gotten sick as well and had been up almost every hour that night. I was bummed because it also meant I wouldn't be there for Lucy's first talk. Thankfully I was able to watch Lucy speak on Zoom. She started off her talk telling how she used to sneak candy and put the wrappers in the heater vent. She told how when I caught her I told her if she was going to sneak candy she should at least put the wrappers in the trash can, so she did--- and that was what she calls obedience. She got a good laugh ;)

Ruby and I didn't do too much Monday and Tuesday since we both weren't feeling amazing. The kids had Zoom classes at home Tuesday and Steven was off on Tuesday so not much quiet but probably good that our family wasn't out spreading all our germs. When Ruby was sick we discovered that she really likes music. It calms her and she also loves to rock to it. Here's a pic of her dad playing her a song.

Wednesday morning Penny got her expander. She was nervous but did a good job staying brave. Now she has this annoying piece of hardware in her mouth and we have to torture her by turning the key in it every night. She also has a hard time talking with it and can be hard to understand. That afternoon Grams and Poppy Hatch came in town and we had Mariah's family over for dinner to celebrate their arrival. Mariah's in-laws were also in town so they came as well. It was a lot of people in our small space but everyone found a spot to eat and seemed to enjoy my simple meal of bbq meatballs and mashed potatoes. Well, everyone but maybe Mariah's kids. Apparently they are not fans of meatballs. 

Thursday morning Grams and Poppy Hatch got to hang out with Ruby and me while the other kids were at school and Tyler was working. I had a nice conversation with Poppy about his mission in Australia. I still would love to visit there someday. At lunchtime we met Mariah at the play area in the mall and then went to the food court for some lunch. When we finished lunch, it was time to go pick up the middle 3 from school. We got there early because that is who I am and Poppy Hatch was not a fan of sitting in the car so he got out and started pacing in front of the kids' school. The lady who does car pick up duty did not like that and told him to get back in my car. He did look a bit like a creeper so I kind of understand her reprimand but he did not appreciate getting in trouble, lol.  That evening we went to Mariah's house for Maverick's baby blessing. I wish I had taken a picture of Maverick because his baby blessing outfit was so big on him, it was quite adorable. We had some yummy treats and then hung out for a bit. Apparently Mariah's in laws got a bit jealous of having to share the grandkids with Mariah's parents. Drama.  After the blessing we took Tyler's parents back to our place and watched the latest Ghostbuster movie with them.

Friday morning the kids had school work to do and I think Tyler's parents were very bored during this time. When my middle 3 finished their school work, his parents all took us to Lena's Kitchen for lunch. We had a bit of a wait before we sat down and sometimes my kids can be so impatient. I had been so excited to eat there but I made a poor choice and got a fancy grilled cheese sandwich instead of a crepe and it just didn't quite hit the spot. Although it did have green apple slices and pickles in that I gave to Ruby. It was fun to watch her reaction in eating the pickles. I did eat part of Penny's crepe though and that was so yummy. Really should have gotten crepes. That afternoon Mariah's family came over and hung out and then everyone went to the girls' volleyballs games. It was fun for the girls to have such a large cheering squad for once but unfortunately neither one of them won. I think they were actually a bit more nervous having so many people cheering for them, lol. That night Tyler's parents left our house to stay at Mariah's- they are trying to split their time evenly which is nice.

Saturday we met Tyler's parents and Mariah's family at the Detroit Zoo. The weather was really nice and we hadn't been forever so it was a really good outing. We were there basically all day, we didn't get home until almost 4. I still hate the layout of the zoo though. I feel like there's too much dead space which leads to pointless walking,but the exercise was probably good for me ;). We also had to do a lot of waiting...I tried to account for Mariah's lateness by having her text me when she left but apparently she forgot something so we still got there before her. And then her kids took forever when we had lunch. But I know my kids used to be like that too so no judgement here. It's just hard for me to sit and wait. We got a zoo membership so sometime we will have to go back and do things at our own pace.

And now Miss Ruby is 7 months old and she is just a smiley cutie pie.

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