Saturday, February 24, 2024

Park Days

On Sunday Ben gave a talk about being humble and thanks to my advice it went really well ;). He started with a story about being duck taped to his siblings and how they had to humble themselves and rely on each other in order to stay upright. In primary Ashlee was teaching and we had a smaller class than usual (the troublemakers were all gone). She's great with the kids and I really like being in primary again. 

On Monday I had a dentist appointment to go get my permanent crown and Lucy came with me. The dental assistant asked Lucy if she wanted to put it in. Instead of ignoring him, like my shy girls tend to do,  she said "nope." I'm proud of her for speaking up, lol. The crown fit super tight and uncomfortable at first but now it's fine. I really need to stop with all the dental work though. It's expensive and no fun to get. After the appointment we did some shoe shopping for Lucy since her last pair had engine oil staining the bottom. We found some for a good deal and also found Steven another jacket so he can at least rotate black hoodies now. It's seriously all he wears. 

Tuesday we had some problems with the sump pump in the basement so Tyler took off work to fix it. Steven was off all week for mid winter break so he helped Tyler. I offered to buy Steven lunch since he had been a good helper, but told him he would have to drive to go get it so he refused. This not wanting to drive stuff is really getting frustrating and was a frequent argument this week. It happened again on Wednesday when I asked him to take Ben and AJ to Andrea's house. It took threats to get him to do it. I hate that yelling and threatening seem to be the only way to get him to react. 

Wednesday afternoon Lucy had her friend Claire over and I took all the girls to the park and met Grace and her kids there. It was a beautiful day and the kids played so well together. I probably talked too much though. It's a genuine problem of mine. That evening we had just finished dinner when Julie sent me a text asking if I wanted to go for a walk with her, so I did.  I was impressed with how she knew literally everyone we walked by. 

Thursday I woke up with a headache but it faded by lunch time. I still didn't feel great but I was functional. I got Steven to drive me to the Dollar Tree after Ruby's first nap but only because I promised to drive back home and pick up Wendy's on the way. After school, the girls and I went to the library and then walked to the park for a bit. I thought the walk would help Ruby fall asleep and take a quick nap but she fought it until the end. She really never sleeps when I want her too. Still the girls had a good time getting out and Penny was sweet and got some books specifically to read to Ruby. 

By the time Friday morning hit I was definitely sick. Achy, headache, congestion, runny nose...I spent most of the day trying to take it easy because I've got a lot going on next week and I need to be healthy. Saturday was more of the same R&R. I have my parent teachers council tomorrow and Lucy is talking for the first time in sacrament so I'm really hoping to feel better. 

Ruby had become a rolling machine and rolls onto toys and into furniture. It is very traumatizing for her. She is starting to eat the food I offer her more often than not. She is still not wonderful at night but her cuteness is her saving grace. At least she typically doesn't wake up more than once in the middle of the night. Although sometimes she wakes up a couple times before I go to bed, like she is having a hard time getting settled.

And also this week....we have had some very Arizona reminiscent sunsets...

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