Sunday, March 17, 2024

Home Again

 Sunday morning my mom, Ruby and I had our flight back to Michigan. The clocks moved forward an hour in Michigan on Sunday and for some reason the clock on my watch and phone moved forward too, even though I was in Arizona. Tyler says it must be a phone setting. This meant I unknowingly woke up at 4:30am Arizona time, instead of 5:30am. I was getting ready and realized my mom wasn't up yet so I went and woke her up. It was shortly after that that I realized my clock mistake. I felt so bad for waking her up early and I was mad that I was now ready a whole hour before I needed to be. I could have been sleeping!

Mike picked us up and dropped us off at the airport. He's a good brother. It was probably best it was him because the airport was very busy and that might have stressed Poppy out. We had luggage to check in and a nice lady let us go in a closer and shorter line because of Ruby I am sure. She has her benefits. Then it was off to security. Security in Arizona is not as fancy as Michigan and they made me put her stroller and car seat through the scanner. It was a bit of a juggling act to get everything on there whilest having Ruby to hold. It was relief once we were done with that and could get everything (including Ruby) back into the stroller. After all that we had about an hour until take off. The terminal was busy but we were lucky to find a couple open seats and then I fed Ruby some breakfast- bananas- and we didn't make too much of a mess. 

When it was time to board, I really wanted to be last on the plane but when it came time to board a couple people let us go ahead of them in line and then this lady rushed us in front of everybody so that they could load Ruby's stroller and car seat on the plane. Boo. The waiting for the plane to take off was the hardest part. It took forever to taxi and Ruby was getting so fussy. I had wanted to save the bottle for take off but just couldn't. She sucked it down and then was a mess for quite a bit before she finally calmed down and took a nap. The nap wasn't as long as I had hoped for, mostly we had only killed an hour of the flight. Then I had to entertain her which was so challenging. We played with toys, walked the aisle, changed her diaper (which she really liked because she could roll on the changing table and look in the mirror) and tried to distract her with a baby balloon popping game on my phone. She was very vocal and probably drove people crazy. Near the end she was tired again and really fought a nap. She did finally sleep but it was only for like 15 minutes and then she was fussy again. I am still not a fan of flying with babies. It's so stressful. I was grateful that Tyler was ready for us as soon as we got our luggage and we could go right home. 

Monday was readjusting to Michigan time and life. The transition is always hard for me. Ruby did pretty good. A
fter the kids finished their school work Monday, we all went shopping with Grams. We had two purposes- one to figure out what Ben might like for his birthday and two so we could figure out what Grams could get the kids for Easter. The kids always enjoy shopping but I think it wore Grams and me out. 

Monday late afternoon/evening Ruby started to come down with something and ended up having a really rough night. This meant she spent most of the night, not sleeping, in our bed. She kept pulling on her ear so I made a last minute dr's appt for Tuesday morning. I was sure she had an ear infection but after dragging her off to the doctor's it was determined she did not. They said it was probably a virus and there was nothing to do about that. She also has her two front teeth coming in which just compounder her struggles. Somehow I still managed to get a cute picture of her though- water eyes and all.

Tuesday Steven had a half day so Grams and I took him to Wendy's for lunch. He can be a hard one to talk to but we managed to keep him chatting about school and video games and things. It was some nice bonding time.

Tuesday evening, despite being exhausted from not sleeping the night before, I went to Bunco. It was fun time. A lot of ladies were wearing green for St. Patrick's day and I expressed that I was feeling left out so Kathy was sweet and gave me her shamrock necklace to wear. I being the weirdo I am said it was lucky and then said something dumb about letting the Bunco powers unite and BOOM! I got a Bunco! It was the last roll of the night and a great way to end the game. I ended up getting the most Bunco's (a whopping 2) and had a hard time choosing a prize. I decided to be functional and took the kitchen utensils and chip clips. 

Wednesday Ruby seemed to be feeling better which was good. Still pulling on her ear but her nose wasn't quite as runny. Honestly she is still pulling on her ear so I am guessing maybe she just dicovered them? Or maybe her teeth coming in is bugging her ears somehow? For lunch that day Grams treated me, Ben, Lucy and Penny to Subway and Tropical Smoothie. Penny and I love our smoothies and Ben and Lucy love their subs. It was a yummy outing. That evening the kids had their various church activities. It was nice to be able to have Steven drive him and Ben to their activity. Then Tyler took Lucy to hers. This meant we all didn't have to go out and drop off kids. Grams and I stayed home with Ruby and Penny.

Thursday while the kids were at school, Grams, Ruby and I finished up the Easter and Birthday shopping at Target and then got lunch at Culvers. Afterwards we got a frame for Ruby's birth annoucement at Hobby Lobby. It was Pi day so after picking up the kids from school I made a banana pie to celebrate the holiday. I do love banana pie. That evening the girls had their last volleyball game. Of course they were at two different locations and the time overlapped but everyone managed to see at least part of both of their games. Neither one of them won but it was really fun to see their improvement. They both do fairly well at going for the ball, they just need to work on direction.

Friday after the kids finished their school work we went to the Great Lakes Crossing mall with Grams. We were looking for new boots for Penny, luggage tags for Grams and...pretzels ;)! The pretzels were delicious as always but for some reason upset my tummy. I hate having tummy issues but thankfully we were close to a bathroom. The girls spent a LONG time in Claire's and Ben got bored (and so did I)so we went to Game Stop but when we came back they were still looking at things they could not buy. After the mall Ben went to Andrea's and Lucy went to her friend Claire's house. Grams and I went to Costco to eat samples and get pizza. The lady who was giving out candy samples was closing her station and gave Grams and me the rest of her samples. I may not eat chocolate much but the kids will appreciate it. As were leaving the man that was checking receipts commented that we must be related, when I said she was my mom he said it was clear because we both had beautiful genetics. What a flatterer, lol. That night those of us who were not off being social, stayed home and watched "Onward." I think it's a fun Disney movie.  

Saturday we did a little road trip with Grams. First we drove to Horrock's Market in Battle Creek. It was a bit of a drive, about 2 hours, but the kids listened to a story the whole time so they behaved themselves. Once there we decided to get some lunch for the grown ups- I had packed lunch for the kids. I got soup there (they had a soup bar with an amazing selection) and Grams and Tyler got sandwiches. The soup was good. After we ate our lunch we let the kids pick out a treat. There was an amazing selection of treats for the kids to pick from and we got lots of sugar (compliments of Grandma) but I am just not sure it was worth the 2 hour drive. 

Our next stop was Fantasy Forest where there were a bunch of carved tree trunks. It was a small park but the carvings were really cool and fun to take pics of. Ben offered to carry the baby in the baby carrier and I am surprised he was able to stay upright the whole time. He was definitely struggling at times but it was very sweet of him. All in all everything went smoothly and the stops were good but I probably wouldn't make the drive out just for those things again. 

Steven said I should photoshop out Ben so it looked like Ruby was floating. I tried but Tyler says it looks more like baby has a jet pack ;)

Once back from our daytrip we had a dinner of leftovers and then us girls went to the Dollar Tree to get some green nail polish (for St. Patrick's Day) and Lucy and Penny bought a wooden things to paint. The green nail polish was definitely Dollar Tree polish and wiped right off my nails and Lucy's nails. Somehow Penny managed to keep hers on for St. Patrick's Day the next day. The girls had fun painting their wooden decor things they bought. That night the boys went to a Stake Dance and us girls watched my favorite chick flick, "Ever After". Apparently at the dance there was some drama between 2 of Ben's best friends. One was rude to the other and it made things awkward. I hope they can patch things up.

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