Sunday my primary teacher partner was home with a sick kid so I taught the class. This time it went well. I put pictures that represented the Holy Ghost and scriptures about the Holy Ghost in Easter Eggs and then had the kids find them. Then they had to open the eggs they found and share what the picture had to do with the Holy Ghost or read the scripture. We actually had a really good discussion about the Holy Ghost and it felt like a win.
Sunday afternoon the Jones family came over. Tyler had a really good discussion about the Lord of the Ring's books with his sister and brother in law. Me, I got really annoyed with my kids. They were "smothering" Ruby and trying to make her walk and not listening when I told them to back off. At the end of the night though, Red started playing with Ruby and it was really sweet. She was really intent on the song he was singing to him.
Monday was our start of Spring Break and the kids spent it with friends. Ben had AJ and Andrea over and Steven ended up joining them on their Minecraft Realm. Lucy went off with her friend Claire. And Penny was feeling left out so we met Grace and her kids at the park. Grace and I had a good talk and Penny had a good time with Reggie and ended up going home with them. That evening after dinner, Tyler had some things to get at Menards so me, Penny, and Ben tagged along with him and then he took us out to get ice cream at Culver's afterwards.
Tuesday evening we went and saw the new Ghostbuster movie (the Frozen Empire). Grace was so nice and watched Ruby so we could all go together. Unfortunately, the movie was not a winner. There were a lot of issues. One being that they tried to do too much with the movie so they didn't really do anything well (lots of cameos and throwbacks to the first movie). The last "battle" scene was not so epic. And they also had the main character (a girl) have a thing with a girl ghost. I was disappointed but I am still glad that we got to all go out for a family movie. It has been awhile since we have all been able to do that. Ignore Steven looking grumpy in the pic below. He is not a fan of pics.

Wednesday we went to the Detroit Zoo with the Mays (and we brought the Bloomfield boys with us). It was colder than I thought it would be and I felt so bad for Ruby because she was not properly dressed. I had decided to bring the jogger stroller that day and it just doesn't protect her from the wind like her infant stroller does. Thankfully there were lots of building we could go into and warm up in. The teens all took off and did their own thing. I think they had fun- minus Steven who complained how cold he was and kept texting me asking when we were going home. The younger ones stayed with me and Caroline. Penny had fun but Lucy felt a little left out- Peter and Jesse didn't really hang with her. After the zoo Andrea and AJ came over to my house to hang out with Ben some more.
Thursday morning I went to 5 and Below to get some things for the Easter Egg hunt we are hosting. I was getting things specifically for the teens and it was really tricky to figure out what would appeal to them since they are all so different. Penny was nice to tag along and help me try to figure out what to get. Here were some of the fun options. I didn't end up getting the giant duckie but we did get the unicorn blaster.
That afternoon the middle 3 kids went to the Santana's house to hang out. I sort of invited my kids over because Penny was wanting some friends to hang with and then she ended up taking the other 2 as well. The only snag was that she invited them over at a time that collided with Ruby's nap so I had to wake her up a bit early. This nap stuff sure complicates things. Here are some pics that Sis Santana sent me.
Friday was Ben's birthday! He woke up and opened his presents as per usual. Pikmin and 2 Star Wars Lego sets from me and Zelda from my parents. For lunch, Tyler took Ben out to Subway. And then that afternoon he had his 3 A friends come over- AJ, Andrea and Aiden. Lucy also had her 2 friends over- Claire and Brielle. Ben and his friends were pretty great and easy. They played games on the tablet, Tyler took them to Marvin's Mechanical Museum (where they won 188 Jolly Ranchers), they played 4 Square outside, ate pizza and cake, played some more outside and then watched "The Princess Bride." It was a good day for him. However, Lucy's friends were more complicated. They kept trying to get me to go buy them things- lemonade to start a lemonade stand, capri suns, slushies...I had to be very persistent that I would take them to Costco for pizza and drinks but that was it. They also struggled to come up with things to do in the beginning and it was rather irking. I finally took them to a park and that seemed to be the catalyst that got them to stop driving me crazy, lol.
Saturday we were going to host an Easter Egg hunt at our house but it ended up being a rainy day so we rescheduled it for Sunday. The day was still full enough. We dyed Easter eggs- this year we dyed real eggs and it was a nice change to have them actually keep the color. Now we have to find someone to eat them all. Steven did not join the festivities.
We also did our traditional bunny cake which we actually got Steven to help decorate- mostly the candy convinced him to help. It turned out creepy as always.
I also made some strawberry much cake...and played a couple rounds of Scrabble with Ben and Tyler on the gaming tablet. Ben is really good at making words that seem made up but actually are real words.
Ruby this week has had fun spreading food all over her face and she has also started trying to army crawl. Already she has put questionable things in her mouth and we are in lots of trouble with this cutie.
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