Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Sunday I taught my primary class and all the kids were there. I feel like the lesson went pretty well though and I'm slowly figuring out how to keep these kids from getting too unruly. That afternoon we had Tyler's parents and sister's family over for dinner. They were nice and brought the food, we just provided the space and drinks. After dinner we all went outside and had s'mores. It was really nice to just hang and have the kids all playing together. 

Monday Ruby and I had an afternoon flight to Arizona with Leslie and Steve. I spent the morning helping the kids with their school work and then at lunchtime Tyler took us to Mariah's house. Of course they all weren't there because they had went to chick-fil-a and lost track of time *sigh*. But thankfully Tyler was dropping me off super early so it wasn't like we were going to miss our flight. Once they got back, we hung out at there house for a bit and then it was time to go to the airport. Everything went really smoothly. We dropped off their rental car and there was a shuttle waiting for us. Once at the airport,  we had a short line for checking in luggage and the man was helpful and made sure Steve and Leslie were sitting by me. Security also had a very short line and didn't make me wait too long for them to check my baby contraband stuff. Once we were through all the hurdles we had about an hour wait until our flight so I got some food and took a bathroom break. 

The flight itself was OK. Ruby was all smiles until it started taking off. I think he ears hurt and she was also a bit tired so she got really fussy for about 20mins before she finally gave in and fell asleep. She didn't nap long, maybe 30 mins and then she was super wiggly. Leslie was really nice and held her for a long while, keeping her entertained. She was good until the last hour and she got fussy again, she was tired again. I had finally got her to sleep and then the plane started landing and she woke up and was angry. Thankfully there was a nice lady across the aisle that smiled at her and really cheered her up for a bit. That was a tender mercy.

Then it was off the plane to get the baggage and off to wait and wait for Keshia to pick us up. Keshia got stuck in traffic so we were waiting for about 40mins. Ruby did ok waiting but then was pretty fussy when we got her in the car. I gave her a bottle and she fell asleep but then was woken back up when we got to the Hatch's house.  Their newly remodeled house was quite fancy and has a kitchen I would absolutely love. Jezerea is also living with them so I got to say hello to her and her family. Then my parents picked me up and took me to their house where at last I could put Ruby to bed. I was worried Ruby would have an awful night but actually she did really well and didn't wake up until 5:30am the next morning. And since that was 7:30am in Michigan I allowed it.

Tuesday we started our day with a walk with Grams. Then for lunch Poppy and I got to go on a lunch date to Panera. He made friends with the cashier who told us about his dream for retirement. We also enjoyed some free cookies. Later after nap time (for Poppy and Ruby) we went to Mike and Mecca's to hang out. Oliver was out with friends while I was there but the girls smothered Miss Ruby with love. 

Mecca was nice and made us some homemade pizza for dinner and then I went to Brennen's volleyball game (Tara's oldest). Tara and Keshia were both there with their families. Their kids really don't know me well so they are all pretty awkward around me but the game itself was fun to watch. It was much more exciting than the girls' games. Brennen's team won easily and Brennen helped contribute to the win. Afterwards I jokingly told Brennen that I had flew all the way out there to see his game and he looked really uncomfortable. Obviously he doesn't understand my humor. 

Wednesday morning we met Mecca for breakfast at my favorite, The Broken Yolk. Grams and I got our savory and sweet crepes and shared the deliciousness. Later Poppy and I went and did some thrift store shopping. Although I didn't buy much, the thrift stores in Arizona are much better than the thrift stores here. They have way more stuff. The rest of our day was pretty low key since everyone was busy with pt conferences and church activites. My dad and I almost went to a movie but I was a failure and had been looking at the wrong place for times. Instead we just had a chill evening at their house.

Thursday Grams and I did a morning walk and we stopped at the park so Ruby could try out the swings. Her first official swinging time and she loved it. After her nap, I took a quick trip to the Chandler mall with my parents and Ruby. They had a Lego store and I was looking for a specific set to give Ben for Easter. We were very efficient and parked near by the store, walked right in and found it and left. In the short time we were in the mall, it had rained outside. Arizona weather is silly.

For lunch I met Mike at Kneaders. I was silly and parked at Starbucks thinking I was at Kneaders. I took my time getting out because I was early and then walked in carrying Ruby. I looked around and it took me a minute to realize this was not just a newly remodeled Kneaders, probably the smell of coffee is what clued me into that. I then turned around, sheepishly, and left. Mike and I had a nice lunch and Ruby was good and just sat in her car seat the whole time. Once again, while we were inside, it had rained outside. Later while I was at my parent's house, it even hailed for a quick minute. Gotta love the weather in Arizona.

That afternoon we went to Seagulls so I could look for more Easter stuff for my kids. Everything was pricey and I had a hard time deciding what was worth it. I ended up getting a couple books to help the kids with making their Come Follow Me weekly lessons and some scripture stickers for Ben (the neglected middle child who was the only who didn't have any). My dad was also very nice and bought me a pretty dress- my fav color, green. After we finished our shopping there, we met Mike's family at Mi Amigo's. The food was delicious, it is always delicious and the kids all had a good time loving on Ruby. Although Ruby made quite a mess of herself and squeezed out most of her fruit pouch on her clothes. When we finished dinner we got to see Mike's fancy new truck that he bought. I think we should buy his Corolla off of him but Tyler thinks it will be terrible for the snow. Boo. A third car would really be helpful for when Steven starts his college classes in the Fall and I trust that my bro takes good care of his cars :)

Friday morning we went to Deseret Bookstore for more Easter shopping and I got a few more things for the kids. After our shopping expedition we met Mike, Mecca and Matilda at Costa Vida for lunch. I made another poor choice in feeding Ruby and brought carrots and she managed to get them on me and my shoes. We also had issues with spilling water- first me all over my food tray and then Matilda all over herself. We are messy people but at least it was just water. 

After lunch I went back to my parent's house and put Ruby down for a nap. My friend, Rebekka, had come in to town that weekend so she could escape her kids but also so she could meet Ruby so she came over while Ruby was napping. We hung out for the rest of the day, just catching up on life and all the things and commiserating on the challenges of being a parent. At one point we went on a walk around my parent's neighborhood and sat on a bench and enjoyed the perfect weather. Ruby came along and was a good baby, she just sat complacently in her stroller. 

Saturday morning we met Mike's family at the Riparian Preserve. Mike had cut his finger on his electric trimmer so he was busy getting stitches and didn't come right away- poor guy. It was super busy and parking was difficult but somehow we got lucky and a spot opened up right in front of the library entrance (the library is right by the Riparian). We walked the bridge and fed the ducks and then played at the "snake" park. Ruby "participated" in her cousins' games- we "walked" down the snake, hid from Oliver and then "kicked" him. I also helped time Mike's girls as they ran from one place to another. It's easy to make them happy :) After playing, poor injured Mike joined us and brought food with him. We had a nice picnic at the park. After lunch, Mecca, Oliver and Emaline left and the rest us went for a nature walk. The weather was great and we enjoyed the desert scenery. 

When we finished our walk, we headed back to the car and then my parents dropped Ruby and I off at Rebekka's house. It was nice to see Rebekka's parents and Parley (Mr.P) again. It had been so long so obviously everyone was older but still the same some how. Parley was really sweet to Ruby, he especially liked to tickle her little feet. We chatted some more. I happened to bring up the fact that Tyler and I would like to go to the UK for our 20th anniversary and she suggested that Danny and her join us. I dunno, that could be fun? We shall see. Right now with how expensive life is, I am not convinced we will be able to afford it. After taking some fun pics together, she drove Ruby and me back to my parent's house and then she went to Target where she told me Parley likes to take pics with the mannequins ;)

When back at my parent's house, my dad took me to Walmart so I could pick up a few things for my flight home. He told me about his trick of always parking where the walkway is so he can find his car. I get it. I am always losing things. Then Mike's family came over for dinner. We had a yummy meal of orange chicken and then some of us went to the neighborhood park. It was another beautiful weather day and I enjoyed sitting with Poppy on the park bench. Lillian was really sweet and pushed Ruby on the swing and gave Ruby lots of attention. Ruby loves attention. Then it was time to say goodbyes to Mecca and her kids. I hate goodbyes and wish we all lived much closer together.

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